My friend got told “You should really become a model, they take everyone now”

I get that you're excited and whatnot but this is prime example to pay full attention in class. You're not completely wrong but you're missing some points and misrelating it to a fictional trope based on our current patriarchal society and wolves, yes wolves my guy. What you're yapping about is Turners syndrome (XO/X) where women lack an addition......
No omegaverse is for horny Fujoshi nothing educational lol Exo, K-pop group had werewolves themed song, which made their fans go crazy with werewolf alpha beta omega wattpad fanfics, this was already big but just within one direction fandom but exo fandom made it exponentially popular that Hollywood started making lots of werewolf series and a K-po......

How religious you are is between you and your God, other people should stop being arrogant and interfering in the matters of your faith. I believe respect for others is one of the fundamental rules of most religions, so I do not understand why people feel entitled to force their religious views onto others. I myself were raised in a very Christian ......
Character live action version?