Noir February 8, 2019 10:27 pm

The fact that the ‘ peace ‘ between Sangwoo and Bum wouldn’t last was about as obvious as the fact that Sangwoo would eventually kill ( or truly aim to ) kill Bum, however I feel like the last chapters are so rushed? Everyone’s just breaking into full madness ( Sangwoo, is a no brainer ) but even a trained police officer ( albeit his slight dip during the plot ) goes into a culprits OPEN DOOR trap, without any form of defense or weapon, which then breaks into a tussle between two beefy bois that obviously both suddenly forgot that they entered this moment in intent to kill the other. Instead they tussle on the floor, break an arm here and there which didn’t seem to stop either of them from fighting some more, and then probably the most anime scene of this entire manga. You’re telling me Sangwoo pays as much detail as to luring a CHIEF ( also unarmed and without even mentioning where he was going to begin with ) with reverse psychology right after one of his yet worst breakdowns, but doesn’t realize that he’s been huffing gas for the past 15 minutes or so while wrestling his possible other love interest in another universe, nor did he notice said character struggling to reach a lighter during his heated speech about how he’s going to stab everyone at least 37 times. This entire manga was, is, a masterpiece, from the beginning to the ‘ end ‘ as the plot thickens and webs together to refreshen your senses, in case you forgot this story was in fact a horror during all those slammed together sex scenes like Sangwoo slammed — , to bring yet a new feeling of pure horror ( in case you wondered if it could get any worse the answer is ALWAYS YES ) as Sangwoo unleashes his tragic anime backstory, I think we can all agree that Sangwoo is the true victim in this plot ( don’t be a bum. ) I hope the future chapters, however many there might still be, will be more like the pre 60’s in both quality and plot. Until then, I shall be pleased with all the wonderful pages filled with Sangwoo rage.

    Skablams February 10, 2019 11:04 am

    Agreed, something feels so ridiculously rushed here.

    Leviathan February 10, 2019 5:23 pm

    Thanks for summarizing how off the chapters have been since seungbae came back for revenge. Rushed, anticlimactic, cliché and even somewhat ridiculous in a cheesy shounen anime sort of way. These are all labels that I never thought I would attach to KS as it has been a horror/psychological thriller ride mostly. I just don't get how the last few chapters fit in with the overall narrative. If the violence and the drama in the last few chapters went up in an Oldboy kind of way then it would have perfectly tied together with the overall rhythm and craziness displayed in the story so far. It honestly feels like the creator skipped a chapter or two. It doesn't even have that Tarantino sense of madness and fantastical sort of violence. The latest chapter development was clumsy and B-grade action-movie shit.
    I hope it'll get better from hereon.
    I'm still curious about how Sangwoo's father lost it and became all violent. And Bum is finally a free house-elf! Hopefully.

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