Jihan always pushing the sunbae away and rejecting a more serious relationship was already valid, but with this extra context it makes even more sense. Despite his first relationship in high school, Jihan started to trust and fall in love with the sunbae. But then he caught the sunbae with some girl. The same exact scenario as the high school bf.
Even if it was because of the mom, even if it was a misunderstanding, that doesn’t matter. His trust was completely shattered, and all of Jihans fears and anxieties surrounding love were confirmed.
if the sunbae sent ONE text to jihan about having to cancel their plans last minute, this situation could have been avoided. He could have properly explained the situation (assuming it actually was a set up date by the mom). Jihan probably would have started dating him.
But he didnt. He’s lucky jihan still has sex with him. He needs to accept that jihan will never trust him again and move on
I want to meet the author and ask what they were thinking. Why would they ever draw that. It doesn’t fit within the rest of the manhwa.
Joohyuk raping eunoh for three chapters is unfortunately in character for him. He’s done that ever since the first chapter. It was still uncalled for and drawn in an unsettling way, but it (unfortunately) made sense. I was horrified and hated those chapters, but I’ve had enough time to process them.
This chapter??? Having a gang rape “dream” sequence???? I have completely lost faith in this author and this story. My expectations have completely disappeared. I didn’t even care that it was a dream, this seems like something the author would actually make happen to eunoh.
If the author had a rape fetish, make a seperate story centered around that. Make a fully toxic yaoi, I’ll read it and enjoy it. Don’t put it into a relatively average predictable love triangle story. When we start a story like this, we’re not expecting scenes like this.
I used to look forward to this updating each week, but now I don’t care.
I’ll still read. I still care enough to read weekly, but it won’t be the same. I still like dochan, but I can’t find myself caring about the ending. Dochan is trapped in a story with this creator that so obviously doesn’t care about what they are making. I can’t even reread previous chapters, these past four loom at the front of my mind.
What’s wrong with the author why would you start a chapter like that
It’s hard to articulate how reading this made me feel. The main story was definitely difficult to read, but it wasn’t until the side stories that I felt completely miserable. He’s a broken man, a shell of his former self, and hyunjae continues to make junghoon worse and more dependent on him. It felt so hopeless, at least in the main story junghoon had some drive to leave. there was a small hint of optimism.
Seeing Subins perspective of the past confident Junghoon made it hurt more. It reminds us of how much hyunjae (and the other rapists) have broken him. In a different story, subin and junghoon would have been the main couple. But that isn’t the story we got.
There truly was no reason behind hyunjae actions. He made sunghoon his target based on a photo and minimal information. You can psychoanalyze hyunjae and his traumatic upbringing, but I think that’s missing the point. There was no reason. Sometimes people do vile things because they felt like it, there’s no need to search for a deeper reason.
“When you want something… sometimes there’s no reason”
This ending is so rushed, I can’t help but be disappointed. Them talking on the beach is a good ending, but it feels abrupt. I wish there were a few more chapters
(and I wish euihyun didn’t drug taeju and that they had an actual conversation about their feelings. That would’ve made this ending feel more deserved.)
I’m just frustrated with this story and their lack of communication. I think Leo is too dense to realize jj is mad at him by himself, and jj is too stubborn to actually communicate. Their relationship before had many issues and was not healthy, but even after breaking up they are in each others life. The pre-existing issues remain unresolved, and they’re just making everything worse and more complicated by continuing to have sex.
If JJ broke up w leo because he wanted Leo to realize he was inconsiderate and apologize, he failed. That doesn’t work with people like Leo. You have to explicitly spell out the issues, you can’t communicate through subtext and implied meaning. It’ll fly right over his head. Breaking up with zero explanation only communicates that jj doesn’t like Leo and doesn’t want to spend time with him anymore. Leo is also upset that JJ broke up with him with zero explanation (and from his perspective, for no reason). Of course he isn’t going to ask JJ to date him again, he thinks JJ had no desire to be w him romantically. (Tbh idek what that man wants)
(Also the last chapter was messed up jj wtf I am still mad at him)
That groomer manipulative piece of shit needs to get killed in the dungeon and rot in a ditch. he better not lay a single finger on Taegun
Overall, Idk why this chapter is convincing people that Joohyuk will be the endgame. I understand that perspective, but I interpreted this chapter completely differently. I saw this as Eun-oh getting the resolve to distance himself from Joohyuk (whether that actually happens is another question, especially considering the kidnapping).
TLDR: eun-oh misses his past with joohyuk which is part of why he “gives in” and still associates with him, but in this chapter has resolve to stop and distance himself. I think a lot of eun-oh hate isn't completely justified (internalized homophobia). I hate the kidnapping. (someone save me why do I like such a mediocre, basic, predictable series.)
[disclaimer is I love dochan and always have been a mild joohyuk hater, so I am incredibly biased. Plus after the past few chapters I am certified anti-Joohyuk. So good chance I'm delusional and just trying to be optimistic.]
The flashback at the beginning shows that Eun-oh wants to return to a time when he was Miss Baeks "second son". He wanted to return to the time him and Joohyuk were close friends and didn't have a sexual relationship with each other. Eun-oh realizes he hasn't been able to fully let go of his relationship with Joohyuk because of their past. He had a somewhat familial relationship with him and Miss Baek. Eun-oh lived with them during high school, and is/was financially supported by Miss Baek.
That flashback is of the same picture Eun-oh masturbated in front of in ch 8. The "line" between the two of them was already clearly Miss Baek. But it is also Joohyuk being somewhat like a brother (if eunohs his mothers 'second son', that's a brother). It's not only about Eun-oh struggling with his own sexuality. He had Joohyuk were best friends before their relationship collapsed.
"could it be that in the end I let you reach this breaking point?"
Eun-oh blame himself for the current state of their relationship. He blames himself for Joohyuk's abusive behavior. Eun-oh doesn't recognize his own pain. Even as he breaks down, he doesn't blame joohyuk. Because Eun-oh has hurt Joohyuk in the past, he avoids hurting him again and gives into Joohyuk's requests.
This is why I don't understand people that hate Eun-oh's character. All the critiques people have, Eun-oh has addressed in the story and shown his immense guilt. Eun-oh knows it was wrong to ignore Joohyuk. Despite all the awful things Joohyuk has done, he does not blame Joohyuk. He calls him an asshole and "son of a bitch", but time and time again, Eun-oh defends Joohyuk's actions. He can't let go of the past they share. He can't let go of the love and support he had while living with Joohyuk and Miss Baek.
I still think it's possible Eun-oh had romantic feelings for Joohyuk back in highschool. This is all based on that one flashback of them on the roof together. However, if that's what the author intended to show, I wish there were more flashbacks. I'll say it again and again, Eun-oh distancing himself from Joohyuk can be explained by internalized homophobia. Seeing that Joohyuk was gay forced Eun-oh to confront the fact that two men could be in a relationship. It's possible he recontextualized all his past moments with Joohyuk. Instead of confronting his own feelings and sexuality, Eun-oh ran away from it. It's possible for young queer people to have crushes on ppl of the same gender and not realize it until years later.(some of you must be gay too and understand, right??). Even if you understand in theory that same-sex relationships exist, that doesn't guarantee you apply it to yourself.
"did I give you false hope and make you suffer? if that's the case I can't keep doing this."
But I think any possible romantic feelings for joohyuk died the night of that freshman party, where joohyuk sexually assaulted Eun-oh for the first time and became a "son of a bitch". But still, Eun-oh blames himself. Because of their positive memories and past, Eun-oh has hope their relationship can return to what it used to be. As long as he doesn't completely cut joohyuk off, there is the potential they can be close again. He sees the abuse he's gone through as giving Joohyuk 'false hope'. This isn't the first time Eun-oh has decided to push Joohyuk away (read chapter 13 again, also ch 23). But I hope this time is the last, and that things continue differently.
If this does get spun to have Joohyuk and Eun-oh end up with each other, I will be extremely disappointed. Actually, I will be furious. If someone wants a character to be the main ML, you don't write such disgusting rape chapters and make the character completely irredeemable. Especially when Dochan is RIGHT THERE, and has been perfect, kind, and considerate the entire time. The end of this chapter shows Eun-oh thinking of Dochan. The previous chapter was the same, chapter 31 was the same. It's clear he cares about Dochan. I think there is real potential for Dochan endgame.
In my ideal, Dochan will save Eun-oh from the kidnappers. In reality, whoever the author wants the endgame will save him. Or potentially, both love interests will end up there, and Eun-oh will 'choose'.
This kidnapping annoys me for so many reasons. It feels like such a cheap way to increase the drama. It could have happened at a different point of the story, not now. After the intensity of the past three chapters, it is completely unsatisfying. But I guess a basic BL is incomplete without a kidnapping arc. It was clear glasses guy would be a cheap, one-dimensional side villain to add drama to an otherwise plain plot, but I still despise the way it's been executed. I want the author to make an authors note or have a Q&A so I can actually understand what they are trying to accomplish. I like this manhwa but not because it's good. I could not explain why I have fixated on such a mediocre story.
If eunoh does end up with Joohyuk, I think I will be completely devastated. I don’t know what redemption is possible for him. If what just happened is ignored, any interactions between them will feel hollow and incomplete. If Joohyuk ends up injured because of this glasses bitch and that drives eunoh to forgive him, I will probably give up any hope I had for this manhwa.
After all that he gets kidnapped?? Are you kidding me ?!?!?! BOOOOOO this sucks
How some of the facial expressions are drawn kinda reminds me of risky vice….
I really am a clown because for some reason I thought he’d stop this chapter. I worry how long this rape scene will last
Why has he not stopped yet? This is too much. It’s been three chapters of this please have it stop
They’re so precious, this story always improves my day they’re so sweet
In the flashbacks where they have short hair, I can’t tell them apart lmao. They look too similar
Focus on love triangle??? Btwn mr risky, the long hair freak, and the other blond guy (Rowan?ronan?). How am I supposed to care at all when all three are ugly and suck ??? Will snake guy come back and push MC down another cliff? That’d be fun