I truly hope the extended story can reach the same level of quality as the original. Although it’s short, it does such an amazing job conveying the emotions of yujun and establishing the central conflict. Each moment of the five chapters is used effectively, and the ending was set up well and therefore is impactful. At this point, I’m not sure the extended version will have the same impact if it continues to follow the plot points of the original
As of now, I’m not sure how to feel about the creative decisions they’ve made with the extended version. The ML does not feel as intimidating and unhinged. I prefer the introduction of him beating a man w a golf club vs. raping a man at gun point. In the original version he felt like an intelligent, intimidating gang leader. So far his portrayal in the extended version feels more shallow, and more like they are trying to make him like other bl red flags. I think this negatively affects the dynamic btwn the main characters.
Yujun killing the spy hyung in their first meeting also seems better, vs the ML killing him. I just wonder if the authors plan on changing yujuns character, but am unsure since the extended version had him shooting that man in the head in his initial introduction. When understanding yujun, I see his nervous behavior as an act. The extended version follows many similar scenes almost exactly, but also gives us yujuns internal dialogue. It’s like the difference btwn show v tell, and eliminates some of the ambiguity that existed in the original. In the original, there was not enough time to develop his exact backstory so we as an audience have to interpret the text to determine it. However the extended added that hyung character that yujun has a past with, and I’m certainly curious to see how that develops
Next question is what will happen when yujun finds out the truth of who killed his parents. I wonder if the extended version will follow the same plot points, and then shows us what happens between yujun and ML after that. Even if that does happen, the extended version is already a slightly different story.
No matter what path the extended version decides to take, the original will remain good. I only hope the creators have a clear vision for these characters