I’m just frustrated with this story and their lack of communication. I think Leo is too dense to realize jj is mad at him by himself, and jj is too stubborn to actually communicate. Their relationship before had many issues and was not healthy, but even after breaking up they are in each others life. The pre-existing issues remain unresolved, and they’re just making everything worse and more complicated by continuing to have sex.
If JJ broke up w leo because he wanted Leo to realize he was inconsiderate and apologize, he failed. That doesn’t work with people like Leo. You have to explicitly spell out the issues, you can’t communicate through subtext and implied meaning. It’ll fly right over his head. Breaking up with zero explanation only communicates that jj doesn’t like Leo and doesn’t want to spend time with him anymore. Leo is also upset that JJ broke up with him with zero explanation (and from his perspective, for no reason). Of course he isn’t going to ask JJ to date him again, he thinks JJ had no desire to be w him romantically. (Tbh idek what that man wants)
(Also the last chapter was messed up jj wtf I am still mad at him)