2024-08-03 07:22 marked
I might make my own post for this later. But here’s a little thread for now. So for months the author, YD, has been cracking down on illegal sites and trying to stop distribution of her webtoon. Which is she is 100% entitled to do. Sometime after the end of season 1, the original uploder had dropped Blind Play for this reason. The current upload......
2021-08-30 11:36 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-04-05 21:50 marked

keep in mind that this was written by the same team behind moritat and that this is essentially a psychological survival story...
ML (seme) used to be a child soldier and had a very harrowing childhood involving a lot of violence/death (we get a long flashback about this in s2) and that's why he doesn't trust MC (uke) at all when they first meet. that's also why his default reaction to things is violence
and lbr, if some stranger came up to you and basically told you that they couldn't live without you how would you react - let alone someone who spent most of his formative years as a child soldier in war zones...
for their sex scenes - the first time, ML is rough BUT the MC provides clear consent. their second time is much sweeter.
ML does physically attack MC a few times but after the incident with the child & they establish a romantic(?) relationship w/ some level of trust, he doesn't attack MC anymore and is genuinely caring towards him. (which i know is a low bar to set but lol... better than some other stuff i've read in the psychological genre...)
2020-10-07 05:17 marked

2020-06-07 21:50 marked
2020-05-01 08:31 marked
2020-03-23 23:26 marked
It’s a whole paragraph; maybe essay