seriously why tf are you arresting him? do you know how long its been since you last touched each other? do you think a ballsack rock shall make up for this drought? bro this story is so good but like c'mon man i read this manhwa shit to get away from studying... why is this plot so heavy. i actually would need a pin board and some red string to connect all this shit and now hes getting arrested. welp thats great! theyre not gonna fuck for another 25 chapters minimum. they have to get through the interrogation, the hearing and sentence, possible punishment and i doubt theyll be fucking in the court room. what if he is found guilty and they kill him, story over? of if they put him in prison? will they atleast let him keep the d and b rocks for a bit of private spicy time? i cant take take this i wanna see dr seok be blissfully dominate against. i wanna see him treat sex like a professional process while kwak cant control himself. i promise im not this horny at all bro but like seriously im too stupid for this.

First of all he’s arresting him for his own good. Yea Major will get a bit angry but he’s going to hide Dr.Seok from the government. Their relationship will change after dr.Seok recovers from being bitten by a Adam (they getting sweet in the raws rn) and the first shrexy time is pretty close (in the raws)

"she was asking for it! look what she was wearing" ahh.
god forbid I merely jest under a tale i enjoy. heaven may strike me down for jokingly complaining about something that doesn't affect the path of my life. since when does a lengthy complaint imply that i require the rest of the story to be told to me? and how dare you suggest i could have not opened it. do you not open letters sent to your house because they are from the tax office? i shall read everything that is sent to my name and i have every right to complain.

rhetorical questions are a very prominent feature of the english language. if you speak enough english to give me spoilers you should very well understand that.
(no harm intended but you should ask people first. a simple "hey do you mind spoilers?" would have been enough but know i will find no enjoyment in reading this story. im sure you are a kind person but this behaviour is very childish. how would you feel if you were in line for a movie and you asked a rhetorical question about how you think the movie would go and someone behind you decides that the best course of action is to spoil it for you? would it not ruin the excitement? would you not be upset? simply putting a spoiler warning is not enough. i am a mere cat in the face or curiosity.)

how am i a party pooper to my own party, you all invited yourself under my reply just to complain and whinge about me not at all asking for a spoiler. and honestly im fine with a little spoiler, which was what i thought it would be, but they literally compacted the whole story into one fucking sentence. they introduced a major scene and also its outcome and effect... all because i JOKINGLY asked when they were gonna fuck. do you think thats an appropriate reply? its not about the spoiler, its about how unnecessary it was. why would i be embarrassed? aren't you? why can't you understand that anyone who received a direct reply to something they said, would probably open it? i just assumed it would be a tiny spoiler on how long it would be 'til they were normal again but the spoiler didn't even answer the questions i rhetorically asked, did it? no. and clearly they just wanted to show that they know the whole story, which is something i would only expect from someone under the age of five. so don't come here asking if i'm embarrassed when you don't know nothing. so take ur fucking stupid emoticons and mind your own business, you're helping no one.

"you like kids" how convenient huh. Trust you'll make something big out of a convo. No wonder this reply thread is long lmao. You're childish ahh keeps throwing tantrums being all passive aggressive. Keep ur heart rate in check since the big spoiler almost gave you a fatal heart attack. "I'm replying till i get the last word?? frustrated ahh

ok maybe i feel a little bad like thats really embarrassing but hoenstly i hate him so so much idc. if only dae would end up with the other friend everyone that deserved to be happy would be. but i bet you theyre gonna make him into a bad person just so dae has no choice but to stay with the ml for the plot. like why. the friend is a better option in so many ways and the ml does absolutely nothing but manipulate him. authors always make the interested better option into a bad guy just so the mc will end up with the ml for the plot. it makes no sense. give us a little plot twist and just kill the ml.

i actually dont care if what hes doing "behind the scenes" will end up being sweet and thoughtful later. does he not realise how bad he's hurting him? you found him in your next life... after being so horrible to him that he took his own life... and you still wont even put in the effort to make him feel loved? like hes done nothing really wrong per say and i can understand that him missing every important fucking event may be because hes doing something bigger. but like a heads up would be nice. maybe a "hey sorry baby i cant make it love u." instead of making him wait anxiously for u just for u not to come at all. even a little smile would be fucking nice u dickhead. sejin is actually so strong cause i wouldve ended myself for the second time by now.

Those 'loyal' readers gonna say that Ido acted like that because he feel guilty to be happy with Sejin buf can't bear not to have Sejin in his life. This ja just glorifying Ido's incompetence and selfishness. He want to make Sejin happy and acted sweet around him. Then the guilt comes, he will just abandoned the moment because he feel like didn't deserve it. Dude is sure selfish. He only make amends to relieve himself, not for Sejin. Because, to make Sejin happy and thriving, I do doesn't need to be physically present. He could help, guide, and support Sejin from afar. He truly didn't need to show himself.

omg they mke me so crazy i criod omg when i read the invitation idfczwef. assemble at toshinos room WAHHHHHH hes so cute fuck and he spent so long cutting out all those fish to hang around his room wallaj i stared at the panel and sobbed for five minutes hes the cutest thihng ever ill kill everyone involved in turning him into a sex bot u all shall feel the depths of hell for eternity u all shall live in pain im so glad that he is happy and found something he loves to do omg and hes getting so much better at talking and writing bless his soul omg omg omg omg omg ogm im gonna just cry forever

is this some sort of fetish? did this need to happen? why is an aggressive, abusive and jealous ML so popular? there is literally nothing attractive or appealing about getting disproportionally angry and violent when someone they're not even dating is attracted to someone else. all these men need emotion therapy so they can learn to talk about how they feel instead of raping people, especially people they are trying to woo...
He’s actually covering up for Saha
FR? Man this manhwa does a terrible job at presenting the story