saying they are a pedo

Sockpuppet of a cyberstalker

TM joined on 1/26/20 is right created a topic of Jinx

Christ Hansen is a new account and one of the cyberstalkers. I have him listed as number 7.
Please ignore them and block them. They will only gaslight you with lies.

They are manipulating their targets into interacting with them online by create fake posts designed to shame and defame the victims. They have continue the harassing behavior even after being asked to stop many times. They don't have permission to talk to their targets. Conversation is over.

Please look at my albums. ( I will be adding to them)

Cyberstalker impersonator 1

Cyberstalker impersonator 2

Cyberstalker impersonator 3

Cyberstalker impersonator 4

Cyberstalker impersonator 5

Cyberstalker impersonator 6

Cyberstalker and sockpuppet 7

Cyberstalker and sockpuppet 8

Gaslighting as I have not talk to this cyberstalker since a point and they admitted to being a pedo again.
They are harassing others.

Admitting to being a pedo using my name.

That cyberstalker is admitting to being a pedo again but with my new name this time

This was misused as there was a mistake.

Cyberstalker saying another cyberstalker is their sockpuppet.
Cyberstalker who has impersonated many others.

TM joined on 1/26/20 is right created a topic of Jinx

Below and above: Three topics, two different profiles.

The real one

The cyberstalker, who thinks they are a troll, impersonating the real one.
The cyberstalker is gaslighting you. They tried to set up the real one but they wrote the "minor". It is a sock puppet of theirs.

We have asked for peace. It was rejected bc it seems they did not like some of their tactics back at them. They are butthurt for what they are writing today. They only have themselves to blame. They are at fault. They could have talked with their targets at the beginning and all this could have been avoided.