TM joined on 1/26/20 is right's feed

TM joined on 1/26/20 is right created a topic of Jinx

Dear Community,

It has come to my attention that certain individuals continue to spread false and harmful messages despite the debunking of such claims. It's disheartening to see misinformation being used as a tool to harm others, rather than fostering understanding and cooperation within our community.

The claims made by these individuals have been debunked, and it's time to put an end to the cycle of misinformation. Instead of spreading lies, we should be working together to create a safe and supportive environment for all.

Furthermore, the accusation of me stalking them is both unfounded and absurd. My messages are directed towards stopping harmful behavior, not engaging in personal attacks or harassment. I have no desire to interact with individuals who persist in spreading falsehoods and negativity.

Moving forward, I urge those responsible to reflect on their actions and consider the impact they have on others. Healing past traumas requires introspection and empathy, not further perpetuating harm.

As for the choice to keep or change their current name and picture as I changed both, it serves as a clear indicator of their intentions. They can choose to continue down the path of negativity and harassment, or they can opt for a fresh start and embrace positivity and cooperation.

Let us strive for a peaceful and harmonious community where mutual respect and understanding prevail.