This album is focused on debunking Baileybot's lie further. is another place I expose the sock puppet cyberstalker's lie.
16 photo
16 03,2024 created

" Facts are it is NOT illegal nor a crime for someone to copy your pfp and username on an illegal reading site where everyone is anonymous. You're literally nobody on here. You have no reputation to cry defamation for. You have nothing to lose from someone creating a parody account of you. There is not a single body of law enforcement that would take your complaints seriously."

After they shame me for impersonating a "minor",
3 photo
21 03,2024 created

6 photo
18 03,2024 created

10 photo
16 03,2024 created is a cyberstalker

look at all their topics and look at who they have been impersonating.
Candy Stripes
Empowered Guardian (MD)
Empowered Guardian
Empowered Guardian
TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans
Protector for JinxFans&JKstans
Revealing Cyberstalkers (Impersonating me)
Safety Advocate (Impersonating me)
Cyberstalking fits.
22 photo
17 03,2024 created

I will update with more info as needed when I want to set them up more.

I am not going to change this but I was debunking a fake album where nothing supported them. They were trying to set up someone for what they did.

I am debunking as that baileybot the sockpuppet of the cyberstalkers.
22 photo
06 03,2024 created