Please recommend some unrequited love/friend pining over friend manga, where they struggle to accept their feelings


TW!// Please recommend some manga about self harm and/or breaking up w someone, it really do be one of those nights,,

As much as I want to give you recs, I cant bring myself to do so. I hope that you find another way to vent out your emotions. Please do. Dont bottle everything up as it will build up to the point that you can no longer hold them in. I hope you get stronger emotionally and mentally boo. Please take care of yourself :'>

this will probably be my last post here, but please recommend something with self harm and/or suicide. Thank you

god. what. ah hey don'tttt... we're here to listen T-T

Looking for bl similar to never understand, like an ugly face complex

Maybe this? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kijima_kun/

Recommend me something similar to sweet heart trigger? I'm sad and need something to cry to. thank u

This one, maybe....

Some really good shoujo ( perhaps with a hint of smut ) just something with a sweet story?

Hmmmm there's no smut in those and I haven't checked them for quite a long time BUT I remember really enjoying them so:
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hachimitsu_to_clover/ (this one I remember not being satisfied with the ending but still not caring because of That One Arc that was... a True Experience. Seriously I didn't know seeing someone on a bike could change people so much)
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/fruits_basket/ (a classic, still very good)
I know probably nobody cares, but my boyfriend of 3 years and I just broke up and its got me really fucked up. He made me feel so unloved the entire time, I just put in so much effort and he gave nothing back. He’s never asked me out on a date, never texted me, has never bought me anything (which sounds superficial but in 3 years, we’ve been together for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries etc) i was scared to ask for a hug or a kiss, but the worst part is im very physically disabled and I felt lucky to even be in a relationship as a queer, disabled man and I truly don’t see myself having a relationship in the future, I truly will die alone. Thank you if you bothered to read this :’)
*sends virtual hugs*
this isn’t manga related.
but at least you got rid of someone who didn’t appreciate you.
I doubt your going to die alone, you seem unbelievably kind.
I may not know you but I do care about your wellbeing, wether mentally or physically.
And I’m sure a good majority of us on this site will listen to you.
You deserve the entire world and he was trash for treating you that way, you will find someone, promise. You are deserving of love and will find love
you're the too good one for putting up with his ass for 3 fucking years .. like you lasted so long it's a miracle you should be getting prices or smt .. yeah you're not loved by him but fuck that you'll grow out of it .. nd honestly I think you need to lean how to let go of people that make you feel certain shitty ways like *unloved the hole time* how sad .. the first 2 months if someone is not giving u time nd showing interest .. it's coz they're not interested or that they have no love to give .. so whether you'll find someone else or not is irrelevent coz being single is better than some shitty relationship thats gonna just wreck you physically nd emotionaly nd waste your time for shit
sorry about that, seems like this is the only place I can really vent. thank you :).
chicken the advice god
There are people who will listen, so please don't mind sharing.
You are worthy of love, so please don't let other people tell you of what you innately are.