I know probably nobody cares, but my boyfriend of 3 years and I just broke up and its got me really fucked up. He made me feel so unloved the entire time, I just put in so much effort and he gave nothing back. He’s never asked me out on a date, never texted me, has never bought me anything (which sounds superficial but in 3 years, we’ve been together for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries etc) i was scared to ask for a hug or a kiss, but the worst part is im very physically disabled and I felt lucky to even be in a relationship as a queer, disabled man and I truly don’t see myself having a relationship in the future, I truly will die alone. Thank you if you bothered to read this :’)
you're the too good one for putting up with his ass for 3 fucking years .. like you lasted so long it's a miracle you should be getting prices or smt .. yeah you're not loved by him but fuck that you'll grow out of it .. nd honestly I think you need to lean how to let go of people that make you feel certain shitty ways like *unloved the hole time* how sad .. the first 2 months if someone is not giving u time nd showing interest .. it's coz they're not interested or that they have no love to give .. so whether you'll find someone else or not is irrelevent coz being single is better than some shitty relationship thats gonna just wreck you physically nd emotionaly nd waste your time for shit
Please recommend some unrequited love/friend pining over friend manga, where they struggle to accept their feelings
I'd like to set a picture for people saying that the friend is an asshole, and I'd agree if he was calling on muyeong just to spite seonho, but I don't think he's doing this at and I understand his feelings and reasoning. I was in an accident almost three years ago now which left me paralysed from the waist down and limited use of my hands and arms ( specially a c5 incomplete quadriplegic ) I'm unlikely never going to walk again and it took a lot of mental will power to learn to accept it, I'm still trying to and this portrayed a very accurate depiction of what happens mentally. In very dependent on the people around me so I absolutely understand his obsession be with muyeong, so I'd like for people to take a moment and raise how a physical trauma can impact on everyones lives, thank you.
Sorry to hear that. I hope there's a chance for recovery.
When my mother was dying, i had to put my family on hold and my husband understood, but that didnt mean it didnt put a strain on the relationship. Also my son suffered a lot and gain bad habits.
Honestly its a lose, lose, situation. It's hard for both sides.
But this is real life.
This on the other hand is a webtoon. These ppl arent real. I generally dont get so emotionally attached like some ppl.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Especially since we dont know whats gonna happen and a character can make a complete 180 turn.
From a spoiler i heard his actions become justified later. I find the author always do this. Set up a bad situation to hate a character for drama and suspense. Then, explain everything to make things better. Its like a trop.
So dont worry. Im sure things will work out and we will all move on. Lol