I'mAnExhoe-l's experience ( All 0 )

I'mAnExhoe-l's answer ( All 1 )

about question
i which for people like u to be born deaf mute and with no ability to express thought in any way. just die and stop wasting oxygen   reply
17 hours

I'mAnExhoe-l's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did your first pet

a bunny, i was goddamn scared of it cuz it had red eyes and it stared into my soul

1 hours
did first kiss

I was at six flags w a bunch of dudes with my friend & a boy stayed behind with me after getting on a ride & we kissed. I was so young lol.

6 hours
did first kiss

My first romantic kiss was in the middle of the night on the floor of a cabin it pitch darkness. I was maybe 14 and it was not fun

9 hours