orangeheaven June 21, 2021 6:15 pm

I feel like I'd be more accepting of the ML's change of feelings if it didn't happen SO fast.

Like on the one hand, I totally get how Cayena's original behavior would repel him. Put simply, it was HARASSMENT. Touching someone however you want without their permission, following them around, attacking the people around them...that's crazy, harassing behavior just a few octaves below her husband's. I get that once someone is NOT acting that way and is being respectful of your boundaries and reasonable, there's the chance to get to know them and develop a relationship because it begins with mutual respect and friendship.

But the fact that his changeover happened almost IMMEDIATELY, really makes it come of as less a relationship that develops because of newly established mutual respect and more just 'now that she's not interested in me I MUST HAVE HER' trope that always annoys me. I just wished the author had made them friends and partners for a while before she made the ML fall in love.

Also, UNRELATED, but as someone who takes her bra off as soon as she gets home, I really respect the way the ML's tiddies are unleashed in EVERY scene where he's in his residence.

    Ru Xian June 21, 2021 6:22 pm

    Oof, thank god I'm not the only one who's thinking his affection was too abruptly. I think the novel manage to stretch the chapters of his sign showing affection.

orangeheaven June 17, 2021 4:00 pm

Lysia and Cedric were not in love in the first timeline. Their relationship has always been brother-sister platonic. They agreed to marry in the first timeline purely for the sake of convenience.

The one Lysia was actually in love with is Lawrence! She understood that a lot of Lawrence's twisted personality came from his insecurity and upbringing and felt sorry for him. While they were married she tried to change him, but he was beyond hope and so jealous and insecure about her power and prestige as Saintess that she couldn't get through (although actually Lawrence was obsessed with Lysia too and that made it even worse).

Towards the end of the novel the central characters also get their memories back. Lawrence becomes obsessed with Lysia and kidnaps her and Lysia kills him.

    iiDemariaii June 17, 2021 4:07 pm

    why did Lawrence brutally torture his sister? was he insecure of his sister as well?

    null12 June 17, 2021 4:12 pm

    I knew it.

    orangeheaven June 17, 2021 4:16 pm
    why did Lawrence brutally torture his sister? was he insecure of his sister as well? iiDemariaii

    Part of it was to use her a scapegoat for all the terrible things he did, but yes, he is also jealous and resentful of Tia because of her legitimacy.

    He knows that he was only able to become emperor because of Tia backing him with her title and Lysia marry him and becoming Empress. So in some ways its almost like he kills them off to prove that he can still be emperor without them.

    aphy June 17, 2021 4:17 pm

    oh so he still died oh well

    Lotus June 17, 2021 4:34 pm

    Her taste in men is horrible. Of all the piteful men she could have, she absolutely had to choose the one who would harm her.

orangeheaven May 26, 2021 1:04 am

Ya'll, the women in the story are all such interesting and complex and amazing queens and I am LIVING for it.

    Oioimiboi May 26, 2021 5:27 am

    Couldn't have said it better myself. It's not like other some other stories I read where the wives were controlled by there husband's. So much more refreshing

    orangeheaven May 26, 2021 7:29 am
    Couldn't have said it better myself. It's not like other some other stories I read where the wives were controlled by there husband's. So much more refreshing Oioimiboi

    Or where the other female characters clearly have no purpose other than being antagonists, fangirls, or foils to display how special and amazing the FL is. All these women are so unique and interesting, I would 100% read stories with any of them as the MC.

    Oioimiboi May 26, 2021 8:21 am
    Or where the other female characters clearly have no purpose other than being antagonists, fangirls, or foils to display how special and amazing the FL is. All these women are so unique and interesting, I would... orangeheaven


orangeheaven May 17, 2021 2:13 pm


If you think the dad is bad now, just wait. He actually gets EVEN worst. After the ball, Diana starts visiting Ancia at the Crown Prince palace regularly. The sisters are really close and love each other a lot, but the dad always kept them apart. But now that Ancia is favored by the Emperor the dad doesn't block them anymore.

However the dad wants Diana to spy on Ancia and do other things to sabotage her. Diana adores her sister and of course doesn't. The dad tries to get information from Diana like about how far the prince's curse has progressed or if anything strange happened at the Palace that day but she only gives answers like 'I don't know'. A couple years pass and Ancia becomes renknown and respected by both Noble and Commoners. The father is furious because it's obvious that the Crown Princess isn't close to her father so all the nobles look down on him. He actually starts to blame DIANA for his shitty actions, thinking that maybe Ancia was his treasure and he didn't realize it because he was "blinded" by Diana and that Diana is useless because she can't get the Emperor's favor or being the center of high society (Diana doesn't want to be a court lady, she wants to become a knight so that she can enter the imperial guard and protect Ancia).

The dad starts beating Diana because she won't do what he says in regards to spying on Ancia and the crown prince or cozying up to the emperor. He even whips her! Then he threatens to marry her off to some rich count whose even older than the father. He gives her some mana stone and tells her to plant it at the Crown Prince Palace or else he'll send her to the Count. The saddest part is that Diana doesn't say anything to Ancia, because Diana feels that she has no right to ask Ancia for help when she was powerless to help Ancia back when Ancia was the one being abused. She decides that she'll just run away from home if the dad tries to marry her to the Count.

Ancia only finds out because she forced Diana to take a back after she came over to play and saw the wounds on Diana's body.

    hey_there May 17, 2021 2:24 pm

    we must burn this scum in the inner circle of hell!

    janine May 17, 2021 2:24 pm

    i hope he dies a gruesome death

    StoopidArSe May 17, 2021 2:51 pm

    I must drag him to hell with me

    Haru May 17, 2021 2:55 pm

    Everyone in favor punishing him monokuma style

orangeheaven May 17, 2021 6:47 am

The reason she can't die isn't a kind of special power, its a curse. There's a powerful deity who was betrayed by the original ancestors of the great families. He's the one whose behind the gates; the presence that she felt. The one the deity loved most was the ancestor of the FL's family. The reason the FL keeps being reborn is because she's the last carrier of the rose ability. If she dies that power disappears from the world and the deity doesn't want that to happen so he keeps resetting things every time she dies.

orangeheaven May 12, 2021 3:48 pm

As you guys have seen there are two consciousnesses in the Emperor body. There's the Scumbag from the first chapter and then there's the male Agent who was tasked with fixing things after Scumbag fucked up that small world. The system that contacted Scumbag was actually some rogue evil system (Devil system), and the Agent has the Emperor system and was supposed to fix things. The Agent is good at his job, but he's very jaded and apathetic. He never really wanted to be an Agent and doesn't care about anything and also kinda dislikes women. So although he does stabilize the kingdom and reverse the Scumbag's misogynistic edicts, he doesn't really do anything about the evil concubines.

Enter Su Luxia. As of the most recent chapter she's in the body of the blonde concubine and faking a pregnancy. When the Agent Emperor invites the priest, it's actually the little guy transformed. The fake priest then announces that Su Luxia's pregnancy is being threatened by a 'black dragon' who wants to kill the fetus. The black dragon is implied to be the Emperor. So now Agent Emperor is angry and realizes he's been tricked and now rumors are spreading that he wants to kill his own heir and its putting him in a bad position. In order to try to dispel the rumors he acts super affectionate with Su Luxia and of course she also has to act back, even though both of them think it's gross kissing the other XD

Agent Emperor can't kill Su Luxia now because if she dies then the rumors will be proven true. He decides to try proving that her pregnancy is a fake. He picks her up to carry her to her room and she has a "miscarriage". The blood spells out 'the black dragon is here'. Su Luxia then commits suicide after telling the Agent Emperor that they'll meet again.

After the concubine died, her clan rebelled and the progress of the Agent's task dropped from 80% to 30%. The Agent needs to go into his system to check some things so he leaves Robot (sort of the embodiment of The Agent's system abilities, similar to the hamster for Su Luxia, except Robot is the source of Agent's powers) to keep an eye on Scumbag. The Scumbag captures Robot. The Agent comes back and finds that Trash has gotten free and that his Devil System is trying to absorb the Agent's Devil System. The Scumbag attacks the Agent and manages to harm him, forcing the Agent to flee and try to find a new host. Scumbag thinks he's waited 3 years to kick the Agent out and now he'll have control over everything.

Meanwhile, Su Luxia has taken over the body of a eunch who is Scumbag Emperor's right hand man and has done many evil things for him. Scumbag Emperor is reinstating all his misogynistic edicts like forbidding women from being educated or working and the court ministers are begging him to reverse his rulings. Scumbag also keeps killing concubines because he suspects them of being Su Luxia (one concubine painted her nails a different color than usual and he kills her). The male Agent shows up in the eunch's room because he wants to use the eunch as a host but Su Luxia smiles and tells him this body is already taken.

Su Luxia asks him what happened and the Agent explains. Agent wants Su Luxia to help him defeat trash and get the Emperor System back while he hangs out and does nothing. Su Luxia is pissed because now because of him her tasks has become way more difficult since Scum now has two systems in his hands and so is a lot more powerful. She kicks Agent's ass into gear and forces him to possess the body of a court lady who bursts into the eunch's room while they're talking. Apparently the lady is the eunch's lover so Agent being in her body will allow them to plot together without arousing suspicion. Agent has no idea how to act like a woman so Su Luxia has to give him lady lessons. The two of them flirt a bit, although it's mostly just them trying to one up making the other uncomfortable/blush. Su Luxia asks Agent what his real name is and he tells her.

Meanwhile the Scumbag is making a mess of the country, overtaxing the citizens and not dealing with the aftermath of the earlier rebellion. At one point the Emperor tests Eunch Su Luxia by swinging a sword and threatening him/her but Su Luxia keeps her calm. The Agent in the Court Lady's body bursts in and begs the Sumbag Empeor to spare the eunch's live. The Scumbag Empeor thinks that this kind of woman who is loyal would make a good concubine and tries to take Court Lady Agent as his woman. Eunch Su Luxia says that the Court Lady isn't a virgin to save the Agent and Scumbag Emperor is disgusted, calling the Court Lady a slut and slapping him/her. Agent thinks that he doesn't mind being a woman for a while, but if this was real he'd rather die than have to deal with being treated this way all the time.

After Scumbag Emperor leaves, Agent tells Su Luxia that he was able to sense that Robot was still alive and hadn't been absorbed yet. Su Luxia lends Hamster to the Agent so he can try to use her system to contact his system. Meanwhile Scumbag Emperor is becoming more powerful. Another rebellion happens, lead by the family of another concubine, but Scumbag Emperor is already use to rebellions. He's not worreid since he's already become the God of this world. The Devil System absorbs energy from evil acts so as things become more chaotic and miserable in the kingdom, the Devil System gets stronger. Scumbag Emperor's body is now impenetrable, but he keeps having headaches, making him realize that someone is trying to tamper with his system.

Su Luxia meets up with Agent and tells him that they need to act fast because they could be exposed soon. Agent reassures her and tells her they haven time. Su Luxia asks if he hiding something and he says yes and then knocks her out. He whispers in her ear for her not to forget him and then has Hamster take Su Luxia away to safety.

Scumbag Emperor has gone out to fight the rebelling clan. He brutally murders all of the soldiers and the lord and then tortures the concubine and kills her too. Agent shows up and he and Scumbag start to fight. Meanwhile Su Luxia wakes up and asks Hamster why he did that. Hamster replies that the Devil System has gotten too powerful and he and Agent took her away so that she wouldn't die fighting it. Switches back to Scumbag and Agent. The Agent is badly injured while Scumbag is totally unscathed. Scumbag says that he will kill Agent and then find and kill Su Luxia and once he has three systems he will be an unstoppable god.

Scumbag then kills the Agent. The Agent had hoped that his death would wake up his System inside Scumbag since when an Agent dies the System gets a boost of power, but his System still remains dormant. Agent is dying and he thinks to himself that he really isn't suitable to be the hero and is better as a normal person. He thinks that they say when people die they see the thing they want to see the most and he wonders what he'll see. Just then Su Luxia arrives, cutting him off mid thought and shouting his name.

Luxia's system detects no life signs from Agent. It can sense that Agent's system is still alive. Previously Agent had given Su Luxia the password for his system and so Luxia's system is able to bind with Agent's system. Scumbag suddenly feels immense power radiating from Su Luxia. Su Luxia transforms into her true self. Scumbag says there's no way she can beat him. Su Luxia tells him that he should know his place and that he isn't the god of this world, SHE is. Su Luxia absorbs the Devil System and Scumbag becomes just a ordinary human. He tries to crawl across the ground to escape while begging for help. Su Luxia asks him if it's embarrassing to be stepped on by a girl and then she kills him.

Su Luxia has successfully completed her mission since Scum Emperor is now dead. Hamster is sad about Agent. He explains that normally when an agent's body dies, their soul will be pulled into the System and saved, but since the Agent's system wasn't active when he died his soul could only die for real without a host. We get a flashback to when Su Luxia asked for Agent's name. We find out that the reason she did that is because and Agent's name is the most basic contract and by using their name you can allow them to host someone else's body.

Su Luxia shouted the Agent's name right before he died and that allowed him to use the Eunch's body as a host. Su Luxia thanks Agent for attempting to save her by knocking her out, because of that she was able to complete her mission. Agent says that he failed his mission and won't be able to win Agent of the Year and asks if he can join her System. Su Luxia refuses. Agent continues to pester her. Su Luxia asks Hamster why they aren't leaving and Hamster says he's too lazy to send them back yet and Su Luxia gets annoyed with the both of them.

    666titania May 12, 2021 2:02 pm

    Wait, wait does that mean the male agent is trapped there forever or he is still an agent and can go back to his system?

    Ace May 13, 2021 12:35 am

    Their friendship kinda cute tho

    minako4002 May 13, 2021 7:54 pm

    Omg yes, thank you

    Enigma May 19, 2021 9:31 am

    As someone who loves the enemies to friends to lovers Trope, I'm down with this

    Faronbored May 19, 2021 11:38 am

    That’s interesting. Another new peep who’s fan of our queen Su Luxia. How many does that make?

    peachy May 19, 2021 11:47 am

    so this arc going to be long right? well i can't wait to read the scenes that showing their friendship, it's cute HAHAHAHA.

    Ninomiya May 19, 2021 1:27 pm
    Wait, wait does that mean the male agent is trapped there forever or he is still an agent and can go back to his system? 666titania

    I think he can go back since he want to join Luxia's system(The X world thingy)

    Phantomhivemember May 19, 2021 4:20 pm

    Finally i can ship someone with Su Luxia

    helvetica May 20, 2021 9:18 am
    Finally i can ship someone with Su Luxia Phantomhivemember

    I mean, I was just shipping her with the system since he technically has a human form and is only in his usual form cause luxia made him when they first met lol XD

orangeheaven April 20, 2021 5:03 pm

The ML is the blue haired guy (Sabel). Don't feel bad if you don't like him much now! He goes through A LOT of character development, largely because our MC straight up cuts off her friendship with him because his scheming, yandere behavior is unacceptable.

The ML is actually under a curse and because of it he's been rejected and hated by his parents and people who see it (when the curse is active his body and face are covered in ugly black splotches). In addition because of the curse, he's also dying. So his personality being a little twisted is understandable. But what I love about this story is that it doesn't just give the ML a tragic backstory and expect the reader/MC to suddenly accept him being an asshole. His backstory explains his motivation and the reason he is the way he is, but he still has to change and evolve and work to become a better person before the MC accepts him. The MC makes it clear that while she is sympathetic and is willing to be patient with him as he works to improve, he DOES have to improve and there are lines he can't cross (like stalking her; something he does after he first falls for her and which is one of the reasons why she cuts ties with him).

Marilyn and Lara (and the other girls they befriend) also influences his change a lot. He doesn't believe in the bonds between people and believe that people will easily abandon others. He initially thinks that Marilyn is too concerned with her friends and they don't deserve it/will leave her when things get tough. However Lara's deep affection for Marilyn and the way her friends always show up to help her make the ML realize that Marilyn gets exactly as much love as she gives and it changes his beliefs about friendships and connection.

As for Lycan, he does fall for Marilyn, but she doesn't reciprocate. Even though she doesn't dislike him, she still can't let go of the way he treated Marilyn as worthless and disposable in the beginning/original story. Lycan admits that originally he thought that Marilyn's only use was as someone who should suffer in his sister's place and that he'll always carry the guilt for not treating her like a real person from the start.

    jjkjhf April 20, 2021 7:20 pm

    noooo i was hoping it’d be a gl

    bitch what April 20, 2021 9:07 pm

    thank you for the spoilers!! Your explanation made me less wary of the blue haired guy being the ML ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Rababruby April 22, 2021 3:26 am

    Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

orangeheaven April 9, 2021 12:31 pm


As he begins falling in love with Evie he starts to have dreams about the original timeline. At first it's just dreams of the first time he saw Evie and having tea with her in the garden, but then he sees himself leaving to go and serve Rosie and he panics. He starts getting really insecure and asking if Evie would throw him away. Evie reasures him that unless he wanted to leave her, she'd never force him to leave her side. However as the dreams continue, Michael sees the things he did in the first timeline like seducing Rosie so that she would be obsessed with him and starting the war. He hates the version of himself he sees in his dream and starts developing a self hatred.

Eventually all his memories come back and he talks to Evie, apologizing for what happened in the first timeline. Evie also apologizes to him as well, saying that even though she claimed to value homunculus rights, she never actually DID anything to help them and her inaction is what forced his hand. The two of them reaffirm their relationship.

They start sleeping together pretty early on. The ML thinks that the FL really lives up to the imperial family's reputation of having a high sex drive. (Apparrently he has to take stamina potions just to keep up with her XD). Like in the first timeline, the ML awakens his powers as King of the Homunculus. There was one incident where Betty tried to order the Homuculus to attacked the ML and they all refused because his ability to control them even trumps the imperial family. His ability becomes widely known and the Emperor wants to have him destroyed. However the ML says that the emperor doesn't have to worry because he loves Evie and her every wish is the same as a command to him (by this point, the Emperor has already made Evie the Crown Princess).

The FL & ML have three children; a daughter who becomes heir to the throne and twin sons. Their daughter inherits both her mother's strong alchemy skills and her father's ability to control homunculi.

Becomes the FL & ML's number one supporter and ally. Becomes best friends with the ML and even refers to him as his brother. Is super super loyal and extremely competent. At the end of the novel he becomes the Prime Minister. He falls in love with the FL's maid and after pursuing her for several years, she finally marries him. Their daughter marries one of the FL & ML's sons.

Is in love with Evie, but never confesses because the ML is his best friend. Although he's Rosie's knight he frequently helps out the FL & ML and vice versa. There's one incident where Rosie gets poisoned and is ends up in a coma. Sylvestian is in pain since when their owner is danger the knight suffers because of the link. So the ML forcibly severs the imprint between Rosie and Sylvestian and the FL makes Sylvestian her knight in order to protect him.

Towards the end of the story the homunculus are no longer treated as slaves and tools and many of them are given noble titles. Sylvestian is made a Duke, but leadership doesn't really suit him so he spends most of his time travelling and leaves the management of his dukedom to his staff.

Also starts remembering the original timeline. After all her memories return, she decides that she doesn't want to die and so sides with the FL. She also hates Michael, because of how he seduced and used her in the original timeline and played off her inferiority complex (because of her weak alchemical power). She helps the FL several times. There's one incident where Betty tries to frame the FL for leaking information about the imperial family. The emperor is furious with the FL, but then Rosie steps forward and takes the blame instead.

The FL finds out that Rosie knows about the ML being King of Homunculus and is still wary of her, so she imprints Rosie. Rosie knows what she's doing, but accepts it if it will allow the FL to trust her. FL decides to treat Rosie as a sister from then on, since it's unfair if she and Michael get a second chance to right their wrongs, but Rosie doesn't.

Because of the imprint, Rosie now super adores the FL to the point where there are rumors in the court of forbidden love between the sisters. The FL sweat drops when she hears the rumors, but Rosie is delighted. Later on the FL and ML have a daughter whom Rosie also adores and who in tern refers to her Aunt Rosie as her third favorite person (after her parents).

Rosie also seems to develop a good relationship with Sylvestian. During the novel's big final battle Sylvestian gets badly injured and she stays by his side helping to nurse him. She also apologizes to him. Later on, after Evie is Empress and Sylvestian is a wandering Duke, they meet during a festival in the capital and Rosie asks him to escort her to the ball happening in the palace the next day.

    katisweird April 9, 2021 12:42 pm

    where did you read this? do you have raws that i could have, please?:D

    Gudetama's minion April 9, 2021 1:27 pm

    Thanks for this, now i'm more excited, and I really like how this is going to turn out.

    Alice April 9, 2021 1:42 pm

    THANK YOU SO MUCH(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    donotknowmeanytime April 9, 2021 2:06 pm


    shoujo_otaku April 9, 2021 2:12 pm

    Omg thank you!!!!!

    orangeheaven April 9, 2021 3:00 pm
    where did you read this? do you have raws that i could have, please?:D katisweird

    The manga is based on a novel of the same name. You can read in korean on Kakaeo ( but you have to buy it.

    Lanwangji April 9, 2021 3:57 pm

    The fact that they had Rosie redeems herself as well....this manhwa is amazing

    Erin April 10, 2021 9:19 am

    OMG!! Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    katisweird April 11, 2021 3:38 am
    The manga is based on a novel of the same name. You can read in korean on Kakaeo ( but you have to buy it. orangeheaven

    oh alright, thank for letting me know <3

    Dr-Erotica April 11, 2021 11:09 am

    whoa Rosie redemption arch????? this is something you don't see very often xD

orangeheaven March 10, 2021 1:26 am

I am upgrading him from 'trash' to 'recyclables' just off the fact that he is sincere in following what SHE wants.

In so many of these stories where the ML treats the FL poorly and then regrets it late, the ML's ultimate goal is to get the FL to love him and be with him. Yes, he pampers and spoils her, but the idea of letting her go and leaving her alone is never even presented as an option. So Leon gets big points for the fact that he is leaving everything, including being with him or not, entirely up to Lizzie. If she wants to marry him then he'll marry her even if he has to run away with her. If she doesn't want to marry him, he'll annul the engagement so she can be with someone else.

That fact shows a sincere repentance that makes me willing to give him a second chance the way I'm usually loathe to do with 'redeemed' ML's whose motives and methods are ultimately still entirely selfish.

    Cloverfr March 12, 2021 12:24 am

    YEEEEEEEEES! And I am living for it, he is one of the very few I actually see he regrets his mistake and wants to pay for that.
    At this point he is not even in love with her, he genuinely wants to make her happy.

    The amount of ML that I have seen, ugh, their motivation is always "I fell in love" "I must have her love now", his guy realize she was a human as him, and that broke him, I trust him to give him a second chance.

orangeheaven March 9, 2021 2:35 am

I am now shipping Psyche and Medea's brother.

    Weeaboo March 9, 2021 5:21 am

    I don't know where this came from but i think they'll look cute

    T0620 March 9, 2021 7:05 am

    Shipping this is like subtly telling everyone you ship MedeaXPsyche cuz the brother looks like the male version of Medea.

    Both ship are bound to sink and I'm here at the corner crying over the sunken ship of best ML Medea with best FL Psyche.

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