I just started reading but lowkey woulda wanted to see other leon get the sword lowkey cliche destroying evil won’t wait till he gets stronger when other leon’s alrady strong but ik lets see how it goes n i would feel horrible even if i had an infiority complex knowing that it was supposed to go to my friend anyways

Was going good until they had to start making aria like him,

The first time they actually showed her it already gave a hint of them being a couple, partner, or shit something related to romance but the progress might be good since Aria's a unique character here unlike other female interest in other stories that always creates drama... Well at least that's my opinion

I hate how she treats ml, she befriended him and his family knowing that could change the plot then planned on getting close to them n selling them out?? Like girl why not just keep on the low, n what happened i hate how she went back n forth from loving him to kissing him as if she not jumping from him to the other dude n then gets mad when anastasia kisses him, leave him alone his poor heart no clue why he still had feelings after 5 years of her ignoring him we need more realistic shit frl
its been monthsss ny heart can’t take the wait