after a while of him saying stop, this man does nothing to check his well-being, legit just does as he pleases and doesn't even make sure he's okay, if the boxer dude wasn't so attached there's no fucking way he would be okay with how far this man goes, not to mention he got choked half to death last time and y'all go "so hot!!! so cute!!!" this whole shit is neither of those, it's abuse in the least.

That’s true but there is a long history of “stop” being used to show embarrassment rather than “stop doing that”. So I think people are misinterpreting the words. However, the choking part I 100% agree on. Still though he is not weak minded and if he was unhappy about it I feel he would have already done something about it just based on his character. Their relationship is still totally toxic tho.

I fuckin hate Jeannette and her fucking stupid ass face man. She knew this whole time that they weren't sisters and yet selfishly threw herself in the midst of athy and her dad like bitch- and on top of it she has the audacity to pick and choose who she wants to believe and be like "is it true that your dad has black magic?" like who the fuck is you? you wanna wreck their relationship but then believe someone else who legit ain't even talk to you until AFTER you had relevance in athys life? bitch please grow the fuck up this why the white haired dude dumped yo ass: YOU FUCKIN DUMB.