bitch soft to his meemaw and not treating him like a living sex toy cockwarmer 24/7. cant believe i genuinely just read "why i oughta" and it wasnt said ironically. he has to have the brain the size of a chicken because how the fuck does he fail to not only read a room but respect boundaries.
JK treats kim dan like *actually* caring about him like a human being is such a hard job. Heesung wasnt kidding when he said jaekyung doesnt deserve kim dan.

"JK treats kim dan like *actually* caring about him like a human being is such a hard job."
>You put into words<
Yes, jaegeng is frustrating. He's disappointing... if at least the author gave him more lingering feelings. I'd like to see him at least falling asleep/relaxing with Kim Dan, but she only shows him being annoyed

1. the author (Koogi) said she didn't want it romanticized in a Wired.it article.
2. it's about stockholm syndrome.
3. Koogi quite literally states the meaning of the story in the final Q&A
i dont want to go into a whole essay about why it should be removed but:
The two main characters of Killing Stalking have mental illness representation, which plays a key part in the series. Yoon Bum struggles with hypersexuality, Stockholm syndrome, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and derealization. Sangwoo is a sociopath/has Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) and a narcissist.
Moving onto the romanticization and glorification of the relationship between Sangwoo and Yoon Bum, and how the reasoning behind their relationship is foreshadowed. Sangwoo says in one of the last chapters that he should’ve killed Yoon Bum from the start and he regrets not doing so. The reason Sangwoo kept Yoon Bum alive is for sexual pleasure and the fact that Yoon Bum resembled Sangwoo’s mother, Eunseo. This is foreshadowed multiple times within the series.

it is..she literally says "Koogi: "I had only one, which was to not fall into an easy romanticization of the victim/tormentor dynamic, as often happens in other works, from films to comics. Rationally I didn't realize it right away, but subconsciously this thought - "I must not fall into that mistake!" - followed me from the early stages."" and in the title she says she didnt want it to feel romantic.

"***Killing Stalking *** is explicit, violent, and it is also honest in showing a certain type of dark feelings and impulses of the human being. Dealing with very complex and delicate themes, a superficial approach, or even just naive, would have been enough to transform it into a mediocre product. Did you have any concerns about this when you started?"

we get it you like romanticizing abuse and rape, lets not water it down to toxic yaoi. It shouldn't be surprising that people hate an unlikable character. Let alone on a manhwa that started out from sexual coercion, Jaekyung practically bribing Kim Dan, which is rape btw. just because its fiction doesn't mean its something that should be overlooked. rape and abuse are things people have ACTUALLY gone through and are often silenced for.
wipe ur spit off their balls lmfao

It does when you say stuff like that.
People can separate reality and fiction.
You are free to say whatever but attacking those who genuinely enjoy the story and appreciate the creator will cause backlash.
No one likes being called something outside their beliefs. It's safe to say most readers would not tolerate Jaekyung in real life and mostly likely, he'd be arrested. But this is fiction. It doesn't align with one's realistic point of view.
What if you constantly heard " I hate dan! He's so pathetic! I hate Dan! He's so useless! I can hate Dan! He such a baby!" But you like Dan and you simply want to find someone who agrees. Is it wrong? I don't think so.
bro was cooking JK there for a moment. but who would've guessed! jaekyung is still stupid and has pebbles for a brain, kim dan just got diagnosed with insomnia and basically severe alcoholism, but yeah lets fuck. "can we really let it go on like this" no, its not WE, its YOU.