Guys the whole premise of the comic is fucked it’s just a fucked up smut why are people trying to act like the characters are misunderstood… like nuoo it’s fucked up I like many others enjoy it Ig
this author has peculiar taste I’m in too deep to drop it tbh I don’t even think I want to drop it :0 I can’t imagine where the plot is going lol I was very surprised that the timid guy was actually errrr idk
Guys the whole premise of the comic is fucked it’s just a fucked up smut why are people trying to act like the characters are misunderstood… like nuoo it’s fucked up I like many others enjoy it Ig
nvm I’m stupid no ones arguing it just kinda looked like that lawlls I redact my previous statements ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
The white haired guy is annoying but super cute #-.-)
Real, and real for he's cute but creepssxzss