Stopped around chapter 40ish and I had to drop it. There are some parts of the plot that were confusing and also others that she seemed really selfish. I loooooove Kian and hope he’s her end game but she keeps taking while Kian seems lonely just waiting for her to need him.
latest chaps (around 95ish) she alr recognize her feelings to kian, tho it takes time but well finnaly she realize it ! ¯_( ° ʖ °)_/¯ i actually like how slow she developed her feelings towards kian bc she literally afraid of him at first and it aint make sense if she just *poof fall in love with him just like that
story a bit confusing but its getting pretty interesting, kinda make it different than any other similar plot ive read.
I hope she doesn’t hurt the MC anymore than this because wtf?!