babyv02's experience ( All 0 )

babyv02's answer ( All 5 )

Get rejected.   reply
07 04,2020
I don’t think I realized what was going on because I watched as an anime first but when I read yaoi I thought it was really hot   reply
11 03,2020
Wanna date?Lol.........but really Anyway don’t date someone you’re not interested in. There will for sure be someone for you   1 reply
11 03,2020
11 03,2020
I like yuri but I don’t read it as often as yaoi or shoujo. For me I think it’s because I haven’t gone through the stages of being picky then reading everything and then where I am now which is actually knowing the difference between good and shit. But at the same time I’ve not found a Yuri that I really liked in a long time   reply
11 03,2020
I have not. When I’m with my closest friends, we make jokes and we are touchy but the feeling has never gone further than sisters. I do occasionally want to hug them but I like hugs in general. I think maybe you have to ask yourself if what you want to do you would do for a sister.   reply
11 03,2020

babyv02's question ( All 0 )