blonk's experience ( All 0 )

blonk's answer ( All 12 )

Like most things in life, it depends. Specifically it would depend on which moral principles I'd have to sacrifice in a particular situation. Generally though, survival comes first   reply
23 hours
about question
I think if you block them they won't be able to comment on your posts anymore   1 reply
8 days
Omegaverse is basically fantasy anyway so I'd like to imagine they evolved not to menstruate along with their self lubricating assholes. Anyway if you feel like you've built up a tolerance to ibuprofen, you can try switching to naproxen (Aleve) for a bit instead. It's supposed to have a stronger effect than ibuprofen so you have to take less of i......   1 reply
18 days
about question
I think it's normal for people not to advertise their age online. It's not like people irl walk around with a pin that says their age on it. And I think it's fine not to share your exact age even with Internet friends that you talk to regularly. Like usually I would just give someone the decade of my age (teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc). It's always saf......   reply
26 days
about question
It's been a while since I had braces but things probably haven't changed that much. The process of getting them put on will probably be uncomfortable. Once they're on, your jaw and teeth may be a bit sore for a few weeks but it shouldn't hurt that much. You'll probably get wires changed occasionally and it'll hurt again for a bit after. If you have......   1 reply
27 days

blonk's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did crying

I just lost someone. And it hurts to realize I'm not seeing that person anymore.

7 hours
did finding good song

been listening to mizisua cover nonstop since it dropped <3

10 hours
want to do break old habits

I would like to stop judging cringy people. to be cringe is to be free, they say.

12 hours