Cup of tea? or Mug of coffee?'s feed

Every female character in this story had so much depth woven into the story, and I love how realistic Eris was portrayed and the desperate need to go back, especially after making it so far on her own, only for her life to be taken away from her. I need that visceral reaction from a female protagonist in these isekai manhwas. Like, I was going I sane from all the copy and pastes. Anyways, the male characters were done pretty well too - but I did wish there would be one or two MLs that were able to find their own independence rather than obsession to round off all the character arcs. And by no means does that mean not killing off the crown prince and nasty priest - cuz I was so happy to see them go - just, it would have been nice to see one good male guy that didn't depend on our protagonist that was central to the story.