I mean we could see it that Kyungjoon was only goody-goody with Nok for the political power the benefits it got him ¯_(ツ)_/¯ when he tried to marry off his sister to Nok it was hinted at his true intentions.
I hope the "Let's end it" Teju is taking about is a Netflix subscription or smthin cause dawwgg I didn't sign up for getting gut churning cliffhangers each chapter that are making me pull out my hair in frustration.
Yep. But seriously, don't make them exist at all tbh. They're been considered as pedo for a reason. Either they aim at kids or teens or the babies. TwT
Yes! Let's just not have them in the story at all!!
I had so much fun reading this one. It's so rare to see the bottom in BL have so less facial expressions twas quite refreshing. Also Juwon is hilarious!! Him cutting his bangs by himself was hilarious!