IS IT GAY to lick the girl puss after ur buddy cummed in it??....??
too bad he loves her cuz he traumatised and love deprived over all good shit refreshing story
MAN .....I cried a river it's so heartwarming TATA ma babyyyy
How do u manage to make the wrong choice every single day
Holy ! I didn't sign for murderous bob sucking mom fucking little middle school boy
Intense FANGRL SCREAMING* I literally cannot even , I can't even , I am unable to even ,I lost my ability to even I am so unable to even
Lol she end up tip toeing around her being evil without being evil resultin in no justice for her making her bitter and evil her self ....... ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
HOL UP MA DUDE ....u gonna fk drunk girl ! Also online and real life are 2 different things ! Wake up !
Moral of the story : if only u left cho ... Biryu was indeed able to break free from his destiny after leaving his toxic environment no one was able to take him back he fully took care of himself , on the other hand cho refuse to see those perv doctors who were aiming to rape him or sacrifice him his so called family don't give f about him (expect the ex) Biryu contribute in his own demise with his control issue and lack of self love , if he respect cho wishes and left him cuz he was not on the same vibes as him things could've worked out and sura would be crying in corner with shame .
Crocodile tears he killed and then goes " AM the victim here boho life is hard but my knife is harder UGH I wobe u mkay? ♡ " like bruh ...