Not every bl needs to have a clear cut stereotypical ending where all feelings are made obvious, please learn to enjoy subtext and subtlety too. I really enjoyed the dynamic this author built up, and the way the story was told was also really dynamic, like the constant call backs, the repetition of phrases, 2-panel flashbacks being inserted into present scenes, the basically non-linear story that jumped from one point to another to explain how did they end up like that, specially on the case of the little brother where the repetetion of the caught BJ scene works as his justification for not being responsible for the situation but also as part of his repressed jealousy and feelings . like lines being weaved until it became a complete patch
A list of BL works I enjoyed reading
- no rape between main characters
- consent is priority
- non-abusive & non-heteronormative relationship
- some contain dub-con scenes but I'll make sure to put TW
- ongoing works that turn out problematic will be deleted
- depends on my personal preference
☆ = fave
Part 2:
♂ he/him | queer | shotainspector on twt