WHATT my guesses were all just thrown out the window idek who it could be
ATP I would burn alive to get away from this crazy mf
Light skin seem dark skim ukulele
Soul touching reads
Wait I don’t remember this in the novel (not complaining at all but huhh)
Woman kills her husband and runs away with his mistress
Ngl I wanna read about a woman killing her husband’s affair partner (she loses love for him too)
Looking for something that shows an unhealthy/complex relationship with a bittersweet ending. No sex or rape or any of the crazy stuff pls, just a realistic relationship
WAIT WHAT END OF SEASON?? when is the next season gonna come out
Something similar to “Veil”. And no smut NO SMUT NO SMUT AHH NO 18+ NO SMUT NOOOO SMUTTT 0 NONE NO SMUT (no over-fluffiness either, just intimate + casual no overwhelming feelings)
Can someone give rec me a romance that gives that feeling you get when you finish a good book if ykwim? And smut or sex n allat, no over lovey-dovey ness, just a slow burn. Maybe between people that started off as friends. Preferably GL friends to lovers if there’s something that checks all the boxes. Or something similar to Veil. Or something that sounds like the song “Love Story” by Indila
Can someone recommend me something with good art style that’ll leave me with that feeling when a good book ends? Romance pls, and if possible no smut but no over-fluff (if ykwim because sometimes the romance gets too… disgustingly cute??? Idk I just don’t want them to be all over each other)
I kinda wanna read something that gives me the same vibe of the song “Love Story” by Indila