Saw the spoilers of what's to come and I'm both incredibly excited and anxious haha

I'll share what I found, but since I haven't read the novel myself and read the spoilers a bit ago, take it with a grain of salt (I forgot some details). If you look at past topics you'll probably find novel readers, who have shared spoilers.
Spoilers below!!!!
Short version is that seme's groveling arc is coming and we find out more about uke's past (he's been through a lot). Pretty sure the seme saves the old guide from the SS-dungeon and they guide him. So uke feels like he isn't needed anymore and decides to sleep with seme one last time before leaving. The next morning seme had to leave for an emergency meeting and uke packs his shit up and disappears. Seme goes crazy looking for uke. I'm not sure of the timeline from here, but at some point they meet again and before seme can explain anything a dungeon appears (that pulls everything around it inside i think), so he clears the dungeon, but when he gets back uke is gone and he thinks he was pulled into a connected dungeon. So his guild starts clearing dungeons left and right and they become the nr 1 guild. Uke is actually fine though, as he had a teleportation item and landed in, I'm pretty sure, Argentina. From here I think the spoilers ended or I just simply forgot lmao. If some details are wrong, please forgive me This should be the overall gist of what's to come though :-)

One of my fav manhwas of all times. This is so peak. Still a little sad that they didn't come out to their friends though :-( but also won't they find out anyway? "You guys have been roommates for 40 years. You must be really good friends." Like they are gonna think something is up at some point lmao
Why does him as a child look like a moomin character? (honestly slay)
Frfr… the backstory is so sad but I couldn’t stop focusing on how much the kid looked like a alien