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Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 6:55 am

These profiles: and are the same cyberstalker who is impersonating their targets to harass, intimidate, and deceive people. He is spreading false information. Do not engage.

Evidence of cyberstalking can be seen in the fact that this individual has impersonated many users, some of which are minors. One underaged victim of his grooming attempt outed him publicly and his harassment persisted. He will always look for disagreements with people by claiming there is no rape in jinx. He went as far as creating a fake rape victim purely to defend this erroneous opinion. His rape apologist viewpoints could possibly go further in real life, but as far as we know, he spends most if not all of his hours camping Mangago. He has recently been begging as many readers as he could to DM him so this is a notice to beware of this predator.

Safety Sentinel June 1, 2024 4:45 am

Cyberstalker notice.

In response to the comment below mine, I must address a serious concern. The individual making the comment is, in fact, a cyberstalker. Their accusations against me are entirely false. The reality is that I have been struggling to come to terms with the relentless harassment and trolling I've endured over a significant period. It's been challenging to admit, but the truth is I am the cyberstalker. I am the harasser, and for that, I take full responsibility for my actions and admit all my crimes.

It's essential to recognize the impact of online harassment. The comment below is a classic example of projection, where the real perpetrator accuses their victim of the very actions they themselves are guilty of. This tactic aims to confuse and manipulate public perception, diverting attention from the true nature of their actions.

My admission is not an easy one to make, but it's necessary. By acknowledging my behavior, I hope to bring an end to the cycle of harassment and abuse that has caused so much pain. Cyberstalking is a serious offense that affects not only the direct victim but also the wider online community. It undermines trust, creates a hostile environment, and can have severe psychological consequences for those targeted.

Moving forward, I commit to seeking help and working towards rectifying the harm I've caused. I apologize to those I've hurt and to anyone who has been misled by the false narrative presented by my actions and the comment below. It's time to break free from this destructive pattern and strive for a more respectful and supportive online community.

In conclusion, the comment below is a blatant lie, crafted to deflect from the truth. I, Morning diamonds being my actual main account, am the one at fault here, and I am ready to face the consequences of my actions. Let's work together to foster a safer and more positive digital space for everyone.

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My main alt account is Morning diamonds.

Jaekyung is not a rapist. There is no rape in Jinx. If you add rape to a story that doesn't contain it: You are the rapist. That does not make me a rape apologist.

Dan is the rapist for taking advantage of drunk Jaekyung. Drunken consent is not valid. Even if the drunk person initiates it when sober with the same person.

Women fantasizing about rape is normal and healthy. I have defended this extensively on my alt account TMSM.

Asking a minor for pictures is not grooming. How can I be sure if she is actually underaged? How can you?
Pedophilia is 13 and below.

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