“oh, just cum will do fine for me, thanks...” i’m glad hyungdo is blunt as ever and told keum to cut the bullshit and get that shit out of his face before daddy came to the rescue
awwwhh i just wanna give them all head pats for being so pure (ㅅ´ ˘ `) the BL fan (didn’t catch his name) tagging nakaouji as a bottom is hella funny. it’d be interesting to see nakaouji and miyai
omg I was so clueless what that meant lol, he is a def bottom !!! hey_there
i’m assuming that BTM was short for bottom lol. glad we agree he has bottom energy. wonder if he’s gunna get too curious from watching gay porn and hit up miyai since he’s openly gay
i’m assuming that BTM was short for bottom lol. glad we agree he has bottom energy. wonder if he’s gunna get too curious from watching gay porn and hit up miyai since he’s openly gay a SouRin enthusiast
hoping these lovable idiots kiss kiss fall in love
I can hear the "kiss kiss fall in love" so well in my head.