soo.....I saw what a girl wrote about her story and I saw that I can write my story too ,and in fact I see that everyone should be encouraged and write about their story.
When I was 13, it started. With one of my relatives, who was considered like my brother. He was touching parts of my body.
In fact, at the time, I did not know that this was a bad thing .... As time passed this thing became normal .... and when I became 14 I began to know that this is a wrong thing
I thought I'd tell my mom but I was so scared. I did not tell anyone and tried to solve the problem on my own, but the problem was not solved
I told one of my friends that I trust very much, but I discovered that it was not trustworthy ..... My psychological condition was very bad and I even had a typhoon because I didn't talk about this to anyone .And when I became 16 years old I got to know my friend who was listening. she helped me to solve the problem .. But so far, I am 17 now and have not been able to tell my mother, because I am afraid of her reaction so what do you think guys?
ps: I apologize for my weak language , english is not my mother language