This is turning into another Pumpkin Night unfortunately quickly. I’m sorry but the immediate introduction of a stereotypical antagonist is so cringe. Especially when it’s obviously poking fun at bigger women. Of course she’s a disgusting pedo but they always make the villains so disgustingly gross and it’s lame imo. Not to mention the BL tag on this feels like such bait because their relationship is barely there. Cause I don’t even know why Shirayuki is obsessed with Haruki???
The revenge is so unsavory too :( It’s gets the job done, sure, but it’s not clever or creative tbh. I need that good, drawn out revenge. The kind that gives villains depth besides just being mindlessly evil for literally no reason other than the plot requires it. I kind of want Shirayuki to kill someone who maybe doesn’t really deserve it. Like it gets a conversation started on whether that person deserved death or not. I know it’s just a manga so it doesn’t have to be deep but I just can’t enjoy this manga anymore ┗( T﹏T )┛I will give it props for the amazing art style tho! I’d enjoy Shirayuki and Haruki’s personalities a lot more if they had more depth