Just read it start to finish for the first time and this was a ride and a half. Honestly I wish they gave more time to the MC and ML being friends or moving on outside of each other cause that’s what I feel like they really needed tbh.
Also idk if people need more empathy or to take a psych course cause conditioning in humans can happen extremely easily with the more time has passed and the psychological mind fuck that black haired bitch did to the MC for nearly a decade would NOT be easily covered up with love and affection and that’s the cold hard truth. Love the ML, SUCH an angel but the red flags were there. He should’ve socked the BHB and dragged that traumatized boy STRAIGHT to YEARSSSS of therapy, NOT his bed Before even getting with the ML, the MC needed years of therapy to overtake that conditioning which his current situation at that moment couldn’t produce. There was simply too much going on to even attempt to fix it with no time to do it, so, all that crashing and burning was needed. Everything could FINALLY come to a halt and he could finally become mentally stable and independent. No ML or BHB.
It’s not an excuse nor a plea to like him but an explanation as to why I think it’s unfair to group him in with the BHB(Gag me with a spoon). He was betrayed, traumatized, and conditioned to think so little of himself he’d ALWAYS go back to the one that will not be named. He was sexually, mentally, and physically abused for SEVEN YEARS. Him going back to the BHB was enviable given his state of mind and being blackmailed to continue after regretting it the first time is NOT his fault. No matter how cute they are not (love them 4 reals), the ML and MC meeting for the first time was doomed to fail from the start until the MC got the help he needed