it's so close already! i just wished i could have my 20/20 vision back and not wear those glasses anymore, and maybe wear green contacts soon! i also wish the bangs were longer and the hair was thick, and also i wished i had more confidence in wearing stuffs like ribbons and wear earrings (but my ears are allergic to everything so that's impossible......
how i looked like before this pandemic vs how i look like rn i was 100% angry energy before but now i'm more like 90% no energy, 10% anxious energy LOL i'm not really sure about my sexuality since it's not really a big deal to me, but i've taken a few tests about that and the results says i'm asexual, and my closest of friends also think so. anywa......
um fuck the people who're still okay with it even if it's just fiction?? it's uncomfortable and inappropriate. honestly,,, how far are you willing to forgo your morals????? incest is incest no matter what the medium
Make your self now and who you want to look like