(reposting because my other was removed)
I am the real aloha and I have a cyberstalker impersonating me. They and others will probably come here to gaslight you about their targets.
This is a follow up on the same problem.. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15432686/
I am sharing with you someone's else topic
Subject:"Beware of Baileybot, This could happen to you."
This https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3554524/ is a sockpuppet for the cyberstalkers that have been gaslighting the page for months and impersonating a few users.
She just called someone else a pedophile again and they have not talked to each other. He is not a pedophile.
At the beginning of the month she wrote the real Morning Diamonds about his name. She had two comments and he had three comments. He blocked her without DMing her.
She came back saying she was minor and he asked for pictures in DM. What happen is the impersonator of him emailed her to frame him. He is not a pedophile. He has defended many people on this page. He is a good person. A few days later they added grooming. They kept changing her age to: 13, 14 and 16.
Morning Diamonds has asked her to leave him alone March the 4th. She is still harassing us. After a point I avoided talking to her and she does not take the hint. She is stalking us
We are not talking to her and she keeps trying to engage with us. She is now trying to make 10 or more people the same person on misspelled words that is copied and pasted.
You know autocorrection is not that smart. Also, She keep self projecting her feelings on to us. We are not mad with the same gaslighting over weeks. We are disappointed in they and how bore they are to make baseless claims on their targets and then pretend they are the victims. They never been the victims. She is not a victim.
One of these pictures you will see them say I DMed her for pictures. I blocked her before she knew about me. I think it is bc they want me to be MD. They are obsessed with MD. I am not a pedophile. On that note two of the cyberstalkers impersonating their targets have claimed to be pedophiles. https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/383191/
https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3690382/home/ (who is BaileyBot too) admitted to being a pedophile
https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/ admitted to being a pedophile
Both said it a few times on different topics.
Help! We have pedophiles cyberstalking us."
Baileybot refute (her link is in topic) and this was made https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15662873/ They think it is funny to call someone a pedo and degrade them. They think it is funny to gaslight them as they victim-blame them. They are not talking about their victims. They don't even know their victims.
Their victims helps others. They defended me. They share facts. They never harassed anyone. They are being harassed because the haters want Jinx to be only hate. The haters are trying to force them off the page or force them to have their opinions. They have gone through such lengths to force them off the page. They are not trolls. They are cyberstalkers that are gaslighting their own reality. They are trying frame others. That is how sick they are.
This is my topic https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15663380/