Green Leaf's feed

Green Leaf created a topic of Jinx

Love Wins TM, Aloha and Empowered Guardian are different people. I am the only one that created an account on Feb 17.
The trolls that created their accounts on the 7th and 10 are the ones on a schizo mind break. levi said "they made a whole ass burner account just to camp in the comments all day, harass people, and spam the Jinx comments. the mental illness is real" This only applies to those trolls that are spamming the comment section.
It has been since Feb 7th You and the troll go take your meds and sleep
No one defending jae, no one encouraging his actions, and no one is saying dan wants to be raped.
levi you are a gaslighting loser that is having a meltdown when people disagree with you because of your persecution kink. no amount of new account making will change that. we see you for the lost little kid you are who wants to be right so much they will gaslight people. take this time to nurture you instead of arguing and gaslight with strangers on the internet!!!
You can only blame your victims.