Aloha created a topic of Jinx

This is so disheartening what Mangago has turned out to be. By sharing information I am blocked and called a bot because it differed from their views.

Aloha answered question about question
I have baileybot blocked. Since she has posted and gaslighted debunked. From someone else. Baileybot is gaslighting you. Since the beginning I have been a female to her until now. Also, I impersonated Levi to get her to understand how wrong it was so she could help stop her friends. his is a sockpuppe......
Aloha asked question about question

Jinx drama. We are being cyberstalked. The ones cyberstalking us will gaslight you. They are talking about their versions of their targets. Jinx haters have created over 7 fake accounts to impersonate other users. They will claim 10 or more people are all one person. They used a sockpuppet to try to frame us. They started 2/7 and they will not sto......

Aloha answered question about question
I changed this to fit reality. "jinx haters are actually mental like im not even saying this in a condescending way but they need mental help." The haters are fans too since they are there ever week reading like the rest of us. I don't know if anyone of us said we are Jinx fans. The haters are blind with hate. My warning was for people to know......
Aloha asked a question

(reposting because my other was removed)

I am the real aloha and I have a cyberstalker impersonating me. They and others will probably come here to gaslight you about their targets.
This is a follow up on the same problem..
I am sharing with you someone's else topic

Subject:"Beware of Baileybot, This could happen to you."

This is a sockpuppet for the cyberstalkers that have been gaslighting the page for months and impersonating a few users.
She just called someone else a pedophile again and they have not talked to each other. He is not a pedophile.

At the beginning of the month she wrote the real Morning Diamonds about his name. She had two comments and he had three comments. He blocked her without DMing her.
She came back saying she was minor and he asked for pictures in DM. What happen is the impersonator of him emailed her to frame him. He is not a pedophile. He has defended many people on this page. He is a good person. A few days later they added grooming. They kept changing her age to: 13, 14 and 16.
Morning Diamonds has asked her to leave him alone March the 4th. She is still harassing us. After a point I avoided talking to her and she does not take the hint. She is stalking us

We are not talking to her and she keeps trying to engage with us. She is now trying to make 10 or more people the same person on misspelled words that is copied and pasted.
You know autocorrection is not that smart. Also, She keep self projecting her feelings on to us. We are not mad with the same gaslighting over weeks. We are disappointed in they and how bore they are to make baseless claims on their targets and then pretend they are the victims. They never been the victims. She is not a victim.

One of these pictures you will see them say I DMed her for pictures. I blocked her before she knew about me. I think it is bc they want me to be MD. They are obsessed with MD. I am not a pedophile. On that note two of the cyberstalkers impersonating their targets have claimed to be pedophiles. (who is BaileyBot too) admitted to being a pedophile admitted to being a pedophile
Both said it a few times on different topics.

Help! We have pedophiles cyberstalking us."


Baileybot refute (her link is in topic) and this was made They think it is funny to call someone a pedo and degrade them. They think it is funny to gaslight them as they victim-blame them. They are not talking about their victims. They don't even know their victims.

Their victims helps others. They defended me. They share facts. They never harassed anyone. They are being harassed because the haters want Jinx to be only hate. The haters are trying to force them off the page or force them to have their opinions. They have gone through such lengths to force them off the page. They are not trolls. They are cyberstalkers that are gaslighting their own reality. They are trying frame others. That is how sick they are.
This is my topic

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

Love the gaslighting of a cyberstalker impersonating TMSM.

I didn't harass Levi. She harassed me. I changed my name when she did the wrong thing. She gaslighting more instead of trying to stop her friends. MD and Co defended me. I am not any of them.
A cyberstalker stalking TM claiming I am stalker as I have stalked no one. That is funny.

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

These users don't harass others. They have involved themselves against cyber bulling against Jinx lovers and Jaekyung lovers since July.

They have tried to redirect haters to allow this page to have more than one opinion. They want it to where all opinions are okay. They have been harassed since July. The harassers have now created fake accounts to impersonate them to push them off the page or be part of the hive-mind. One is out there trying to frame MD and me.
The harasser as they impersonate them are trying to make TM and co the harassers. They never harassed anyone. What they are doing to TM and co is plain sick.

TM is kind, sweet, and willing to help you with anything.
MD is stern but also kind in a different way.

They are here to help and they are friendly. It is so sick what is happening to them. When the haters that camp here to attack Jinx lovers are in the wrong.
If you are attacking TM and co, you are in the wrong.
If you are making the problem them, you are in the wrong.
If you are gaslighting them and mocking them, you are in the wrong.
If you are trying to force them off the page or make them have your opinion, you are in the wrong.
If you are impersonating them, you are in the wrong.

They are being cyberstalked by many. They are being impersonated that should tell you who are the ones in the wrong. On this page the bullies are victim blaming and gaslighting the victims.
The bullies are not the victims. TM and co are the victims.

TM and co defended me. They have defended others. They are the good ones. This harassment on them shows they are right and little children can't handle being wrong.

Aloha followed a goer

I only have two accounts. My first one I can't log into. All others are not me. 
I don't share my opinions often. 

I share facts, research, and the actual stories.

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, kindness, and good-faith engagement.

I will step in when someone is being attacked.

You have no one to blame but yourself for who you are

27 02,2024
Aloha created a topic of Jinx

Okay one gaslight
REAL: TM posted research, facts, without his opinion or beliefs.
FAKE: TM believes that or it is his opinions.

Second gaslight
REAL: TM and friends will talk about the story and share information

Trolls get pissed and start drama.
FAKE: TM and friends start the drama.
This is time it was shown the trolls started it. TM and friends are literally doing nothing wrong.

Third gaslight (There are more)

REAL: TM and friends will post facts, a person will ask and they will say it is not their beliefs or opinion. It is not. It has nothing to do with them.
FAKE: The troll claims they doesn't necessarily agree with everything they posts. WHAT KIND OF LAME EXCUSE IS THAT, he used those ''expect opinions'' he fully supports to tie it with Jinx. The hypocrisy with him is that it's he who can't defend himself when confronted with his own ideologies

They are trying to make TM and friends look bad when they are showing they don't understand them. They don't try to. They never did.
There are more gaslighting but these are immature teenagers going after adults for no reason.

Aloha created a topic of Jinx
Levi is a bad guy. She blames them when it is the trolls. She ignored they told them to stop and was not part of the drama.

This drama here is started by

But Levi will gaslight and blame it on the victims.

Min is a bad guy.

Bad guy

Bay guy
Impersonating another user account created 2/10/2024

bad guy
Impersonating another user account created 2/11/2024

bad guy
Impersonating another user account created 2/7/2024

bad guy
Impersonating another user, account created 2/7/2024

What you guys are claiming is gaslighting. If you read their comments or treated them better you would not be here. They are participating in the fandom and you are the ones with the issues. Grow up. OMG They presented facts without their opinions and beliefs. They don't deserve a backlash. You show you have never been to college or a university.
TM and friends are normal and good people. Who is after them are not good people.

Aloha asked a question

These accounts has been harassing others and impersonating other users since the 7th
Impersonating another user account created 2/10/2024
Impersonating another user account created 2/11/2024
Impersonating another user account created 2/7/2024
Impersonating another user, account created 2/7/2024

There are more accounts. I am not clicking to find them all.

Levipleasecallmeback is gaslight, everyone.
and many other places.

Levi is blaming the victims and standing with the trolls harassing them. For three days? Find the real users on the page. They barely comment and when they do it is on the story or explaining what is happening. They leave as the trolls make back-to-back comments as them.
They are not part of the drama.

Levi and those trolls are ruining the community experience.

I intended to show them how it felt.
The real users have experienced this since 2/7/2024. Levi couldn't handle a few hours. Instead of trying to stop her friends, she gaslighted the victims more.

A full breakdown of the situation: The trolls create accounts to get a few users to leave the site. The trolls are rage-baiting accounts. They are taking people's usernames (Tm and his friend) to cause problems. The trolls watch and when they see TM's comments they try to start drama with him. They have made him a joke. TM and friends are sharing and being part of the fandom. The trolls, like Levi, hate what they share and create this with TM each time. The trolls are the ones creating accounts to harass TM and friends. The trolls are having a full breakdown. Levi is a compulsive liar and gaslighting TM and his friends.

From reading the real user's stuff. TM tried to communicate with them. He learned he was a joke and he stopped trying to connect with everyone. Then he was harassed and stalked. He make a comment in October the trolls start it. They say they ended the trolls mind game then. He makes three comments in November and the trolls start it. They said TM left and he was being attack 4 days later. Since he was harassed he made a comment warning users. Levi called him a loser in this question area. Since she harassed him he called her out on her harassment.

Then he made a comment to help his friend and they tried to start it. Then TM tried to help with a misunderstanding, but they started it again—this time with fake accounts. I did what I did to stop what has been happening since 2/7. Levi instead of telling her friends how she felt and getting her friends to stop, she harassed TM and his friends again. If you look at the page, you will see many users but different accounts of one person. They have been trying to get them to leave the page.

They will not let TM or friends alone or ignore them. They have to start this every time he posts. Levi has to gaslight the victims and make others their actions. Where is her heart? That is why pick on them, they have heart. If she is mad, how does she think TM and his friend feel about the defaming? She supports them being defaming and joins in with lies.

the real ones

It is the fake accounts, the trolls harassing them and impersonating other users that are spamming the page. Now Levi is trying to pin it on them when they are barely in the drama. How sad is that?

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

its time for you to go back to the mental hospital sweetie. You are the one impersonating someone else and harassing a 7 users. Go back to the mental hospital.

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

TM and his friends never defending jae,
They condemn his actions, and they said there is no rape in Jinx, they see SA and a list of things. They would never saying dan wants to be raped.
She is the bad guy here and that proved it.
TM and his friends are the victims of harassment for no reason.

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

Love Wins TM, Aloha and Empowered Guardian are different people. I am the only one that created an account on Feb 17.
The trolls that created their accounts on the 7th and 10 are the ones on a schizo mind break. levi said "they made a whole ass burner account just to camp in the comments all day, harass people, and spam the Jinx comments. the mental illness is real" This only applies to those trolls that are spamming the comment section.
It has been since Feb 7th You and the troll go take your meds and sleep
No one defending jae, no one encouraging his actions, and no one is saying dan wants to be raped.
levi you are a gaslighting loser that is having a meltdown when people disagree with you because of your persecution kink. no amount of new account making will change that. we see you for the lost little kid you are who wants to be right so much they will gaslight people. take this time to nurture you instead of arguing and gaslight with strangers on the internet!!!
You can only blame your victims.

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

I have stop impersonation Levi. levi said "they made a whole ass burner account just to camp in the comments all day, harass people, and spam the Jinx comments. the mental illness is real"
That only fits her friends who have been impersonating others. I just made my account and their victims are not giving them attention and talking about the story. Levi can only mean her friends impersonating others since the 7th.

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

You and your friends are the manic pyscho. I don't want to be a lame troll who can only gaslight. Why do you think I want to be that. eeww weirdo.
I think you are disgusting for how you treat others. I never defended a rapist. MD and frends never defended a rapist. I am not MD or their friends. Talk about unoriginal, uninspired, pathetic, and a weirdo. you couldn’t even come up with your own comeback you had to use one. They have never said dan wanted jae to hurt/use him n shit . get a grip get a life loser. you gaslighting flea bag

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

levi and her trolls, i should be compensated for entertaining this tbh, ty for showing me the effects of modern day brain rot

Aloha created a topic of Jinx


"this is such a third grade approach to bullying." Started by

It is hilarious you think I am someone you dealt with before. My dad is fine. Your message was gaslight to what MD and friends are doing.

If I am in pain does that mean your friends that are impersonating MD and others are in pain? They are the ones seeking attention. YOUR FRIENDS. YOUR FRIENDS STARTED THIS> Stop blaming your victims. Your friends are blowing up this comment section to lash out at others. STOP THE GASLIGHTING!

Aloha created a topic of Jinx

Now they are trying to make it look like the other side is harassing them because someone is doing the same tactics to them.
My other self that stands with trolls on another topic
"(one person imitating multiple users and harassing everyone under here/trying to confuse people) "they talked about their friends. my account is new and they have been impersonating others since the 7th. This is the first one to be impersonating anyone from that side.