Aloha June 2, 2024 4:03 pm

This is so disheartening what Mangago has turned out to be. By sharing information I am blocked and called a bot because it differed from their views.

    JK x Dan June 2, 2024 5:02 pm

    Dammit fool! You ARE a bot. You're just too delusional to see the extent of your delusion. And that's rather sad.

    Aloha June 2, 2024 5:12 pm

    I'm sorry they feel that way. However, resorting to insults and name-calling doesn't contribute to a productive conversation. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and perspectives, and it's important to respect that diversity, even if we disagree. Let's strive for more respectful dialogue in the future

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 6:10 pm

    Unfortunately, some people engage in such harmful behavior, but the best course of action is to block them and continue enjoying what you love.
    Don't let a few negative individuals spoil your enjoyment of the platform.

    Keep commenting and sharing your thoughts – that's what matters!

    Aloha June 2, 2024 9:14 pm

    There are 4 [I love morning Diamonds aka me] profiles and that is 4 different people.
    There are two [Safety Sentinel] and that is two different people.
    There are two [Aloha] and that is two different people.

    A cyberstalker is impersonating [I love Morning Diamonds aka me], [Safety Sentiel], and [Aloha]. While there are more targets and accounts impersonating others. In this that is 6 people total while there are 8 profiles.
    The cyberstalkers are spreading false information or rumors to tarnish the real one's reputation. If it is malicious or off the wall it is most likely a cyberstalker. If it is explaining and trying to have a real conversation it is the real ones or the one defending the real one.

    Safety Sentinel profiles.

    Safety Sentinel was Safety Advocate and ze changed their name to Safety Sentinel the cyberstalker copied them as they copied Safety Advocate.

    Cyberstalker impersonating Safety Sentinel,
    Join on February 22, 2024 focused on spreading false information or rumors to tarnish Safety Sentinel, TM, and Morning Diamonds rep.
    They made the first comment to harm their targets pretending to be them.
    The real Safety Sentinel
    March 5, 2024 advocating for awareness of cyberstalking and online harassment.

    The morning diamonds.

    1. The real one and the real one has not responded for about 3 weeks now.
    Join on:
    October 7, 2023

    2. The one defending the real one. Join on: February 17, 2024

    3. A cyberstalker Join on: February 21, 2024 This cyberstalker has many accounts impersonating their targets.

    4. Another cyberstalker February 10, 2024


    Mine: Join on: February 17, 2024

    The cyberstalker: Join on: February 22, 2024

    8 accounts. 6 people. There are more accounts.

    I'M ONLY HUMAN June 2, 2024 10:01 pm
    There are 4 [I love morning Diamonds aka me] profiles and that is 4 different people.There are two [Safety Sentinel] and that is two different people.There are two [Aloha] and that is two different people.A cyb... Aloha

    Yes fool. We know about all your alt accounts AND WE ALSO KNOW that you are the evil clown controlling all of them. Must suck to keep up with all the juggling act of dozens of alt accounts while holding down a full time job. Or wait, perhaps you don't have a full time job like the rest of us? Wouldn't surprise me with all the time you clearly have in your hands. For chrissakes, go get a real job. OK?

    Safety Sentinel June 2, 2024 10:08 pm

    It's disheartening to see such baseless accusations and personal attacks. I can assure you that we not controlling all those alt accounts, nor do we have any malicious intentions. Let's try to maintain a respectful tone and focus on constructive discussion rather than resorting to unfounded accusations and insults

Aloha March 21, 2024 10:25 pm

Love the gaslighting of a cyberstalker impersonating TMSM.

I didn't harass Levi. She harassed me. I changed my name when she did the wrong thing. She gaslighting more instead of trying to stop her friends. MD and Co defended me. I am not any of them.
A cyberstalker stalking TM claiming I am stalker as I have stalked no one. That is funny.

    Aloha March 21, 2024 10:33 pm

    Right on clue my cyberstalker comes,

    That is not me.

    I don't know who Safety Adocate is. I am not that close of a friend to TMSM and Morning Diamonds. How do they know how we speak? LMAO

    Aloha March 21, 2024 10:35 pm

    This is me.
    I am posting to my second comment. The one below = cyberstalker who is not me.

    Aloha March 21, 2024 10:35 pm
    This is me. I am posting to my second comment. The one below = cyberstalker who is not me. Aloha

    second topic

    Aloha March 21, 2024 10:50 pm

    I harassed levi? No. I remember Levi harassing me
    " she disagreed with me" Huh? LMAO gaslighting

    "Morning diamonds is a Jaekyung stan."
    I don't remember him saying that or defending him.
    So in that comment of gaslighting: mad at the truth and has no clue who Morning Diamond is.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 10:58 pm

    This is the real Aloha. She follows the real MD.
    I think they would know everything about their victims. They don't know Morning Diamonds doesn't like Jaekyung. Haha.
    I think MD said that but MD does not have to if you read his words. They have their own fake reality.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 11:11 pm
    This is the real Aloha. She follows the real MD. I think they would know everything about their victims. They don't know Morning Diamonds doesn't like Jaekyung. Haha.I think MD said that but MD does not have to... Safety Advocate

    Here is the fake aloha saying the opposite

Aloha March 21, 2024 10:06 pm

These users don't harass others. They have involved themselves against cyber bulling against Jinx lovers and Jaekyung lovers since July.

They have tried to redirect haters to allow this page to have more than one opinion. They want it to where all opinions are okay. They have been harassed since July. The harassers have now created fake accounts to impersonate them to push them off the page or be part of the hive-mind. One is out there trying to frame MD and me.
The harasser as they impersonate them are trying to make TM and co the harassers. They never harassed anyone. What they are doing to TM and co is plain sick.

TM is kind, sweet, and willing to help you with anything.
MD is stern but also kind in a different way.

They are here to help and they are friendly. It is so sick what is happening to them. When the haters that camp here to attack Jinx lovers are in the wrong.
If you are attacking TM and co, you are in the wrong.
If you are making the problem them, you are in the wrong.
If you are gaslighting them and mocking them, you are in the wrong.
If you are trying to force them off the page or make them have your opinion, you are in the wrong.
If you are impersonating them, you are in the wrong.

They are being cyberstalked by many. They are being impersonated that should tell you who are the ones in the wrong. On this page the bullies are victim blaming and gaslighting the victims.
The bullies are not the victims. TM and co are the victims.

TM and co defended me. They have defended others. They are the good ones. This harassment on them shows they are right and little children can't handle being wrong.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 10:58 pm


    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 11:23 pm

    It is sick. They think they are being funny but they are boring and gaslighting is dumb. They are making it hard for anyone to talk. They have boring lives if they can gaslight, frame people, and impersonate them this much and this longer.
    They are just victim-blaming and pretending to be the victims.
    I feel bad for their targets and everyone here who has to deal with their boring antics. Only other cybersbullies would find them funny. They are not special

    Aloha March 21, 2024 11:26 pm
    It is sick. They think they are being funny but they are boring and gaslighting is dumb. They are making it hard for anyone to talk. They have boring lives if they can gaslight, frame people, and impersonate th... Safety Advocate


Aloha February 22, 2024 3:00 am

Okay one gaslight
REAL: TM posted research, facts, without his opinion or beliefs.
FAKE: TM believes that or it is his opinions.

Second gaslight
REAL: TM and friends will talk about the story and share information

Trolls get pissed and start drama.
FAKE: TM and friends start the drama.
This is time it was shown the trolls started it. TM and friends are literally doing nothing wrong.

Third gaslight (There are more)

REAL: TM and friends will post facts, a person will ask and they will say it is not their beliefs or opinion. It is not. It has nothing to do with them.
FAKE: The troll claims they doesn't necessarily agree with everything they posts. WHAT KIND OF LAME EXCUSE IS THAT, he used those ''expect opinions'' he fully supports to tie it with Jinx. The hypocrisy with him is that it's he who can't defend himself when confronted with his own ideologies

They are trying to make TM and friends look bad when they are showing they don't understand them. They don't try to. They never did.
There are more gaslighting but these are immature teenagers going after adults for no reason.

Aloha February 22, 2024 2:42 am
Levi is a bad guy. She blames them when it is the trolls. She ignored they told them to stop and was not part of the drama.

This drama here is started by

But Levi will gaslight and blame it on the victims.

Min is a bad guy.

Bad guy

Bay guy
Impersonating another user account created 2/10/2024

bad guy
Impersonating another user account created 2/11/2024

bad guy
Impersonating another user account created 2/7/2024

bad guy
Impersonating another user, account created 2/7/2024

What you guys are claiming is gaslighting. If you read their comments or treated them better you would not be here. They are participating in the fandom and you are the ones with the issues. Grow up. OMG They presented facts without their opinions and beliefs. They don't deserve a backlash. You show you have never been to college or a university.
TM and friends are normal and good people. Who is after them are not good people.

Aloha February 18, 2024 10:10 pm

its time for you to go back to the mental hospital sweetie. You are the one impersonating someone else and harassing a 7 users. Go back to the mental hospital.

    Aloha February 18, 2024 10:11 pm

    And you are after them for no reason. GFYS.

    Min February 19, 2024 4:45 pm

    ugh it's that fucking psycho bitch again. block him and never bother engaging with him. he goes by TMSMYZ and bunch of other names trying to pass off as different people. he's absolutely batshit crazy, don't engage with him for your mental health's sake.

    Min February 19, 2024 4:48 pm

    nevermind lmaoo i got played. fuck you too

    Aloha February 19, 2024 10:19 pm

    The ones that are played are TSMSMYZ and his friends. I blocked the fucking psycho bitch that is absolutely batshit crazy and obsessed with gaslighting TSMSMYZ. I said GFYS. Min, GFYS. I will take your advice and don't engage with you for my health's sake. TM has been kind to me. You are hostile.

    Love wins~ TMSM~LovingWarriors February 20, 2024 2:03 am

    That is rich coming from them.

    Love wins~ TMSM~LovingWarriors February 20, 2024 2:03 am
    The ones that are played are TSMSMYZ and his friends. I blocked the fucking psycho bitch that is absolutely batshit crazy and obsessed with gaslighting TSMSMYZ. I said GFYS. Min, GFYS. I will take your advice... Aloha

Aloha February 18, 2024 9:59 pm

TM and his friends never defending jae,
They condemn his actions, and they said there is no rape in Jinx, they see SA and a list of things. They would never saying dan wants to be raped.
She is the bad guy here and that proved it.
TM and his friends are the victims of harassment for no reason.

    Aloha February 18, 2024 10:05 pm

    I have dealt with trolls before. These are delusional bunch. They have to be teenagers that don't know how to troll.

    Empowered Guardian February 18, 2024 10:32 pm

    I can't count how many times "We or I am not defending Jae" has been said.
    I can't count how many times "We condemn his actions."
    None of us has said Dan wanted.... that..... It seems Levi is lashing out with her POV that does nothing to what we say or intend. Levi must have been extreme anger at this situation that she lashed out at other people in a hurtful and irrational way. This kind of behavior is not productive or healthy for anyone. it is important to address conflicts and disagreements respectfully and constructively to find a resolution. Levi is gaslighting and lashing out.
    Saying that BS makes her look irrational. We have a different POV and she is trying to hurt me with hers and we don't meet eye to eye. It is utterly ridiculous what she said.

    It seems they are offended by facts and other perspectives. They seem to take everything out of context and claim wild assumptions to have a go at us. They are teenagers for the most part and don't know how to deal with being wrong or other perspectives. They need to work on themselves.

    Empowered Guardian February 18, 2024 10:41 pm
    I can't count how many times "We or I am not defending Jae" has been said. I can't count how many times "We condemn his actions." None of us has said Dan wanted.... that..... It seems Levi is lashing out with ... Empowered Guardian

    You would think if she was extreme angry she would not be attacking and gaslighting. We have been through much worse that she did in a few hours. If she had compassion she would be helping. She is a fake person.
    They're quick to judge. CHECK
    They’re rude and hurtful. CHECK
    They don’t really listen. CHECK
    They’re always trying to please others.Fake people are desperate to be liked and noticed. Mmmm I think there are comments supporting this.
    They’re always surrounded by a clique. YES
    They spread rumors. YES!
    They aren’t consistent. yes
    They won’t give a real apology. she never will
    They can’t handle criticism. Oh my gosh YES.
    They’re scared of failure. She is afraid to be wrong.

Aloha February 18, 2024 9:51 pm

Love Wins TM, Aloha and Empowered Guardian are different people. I am the only one that created an account on Feb 17.
The trolls that created their accounts on the 7th and 10 are the ones on a schizo mind break. levi said "they made a whole ass burner account just to camp in the comments all day, harass people, and spam the Jinx comments. the mental illness is real" This only applies to those trolls that are spamming the comment section.
It has been since Feb 7th You and the troll go take your meds and sleep
No one defending jae, no one encouraging his actions, and no one is saying dan wants to be raped.
levi you are a gaslighting loser that is having a meltdown when people disagree with you because of your persecution kink. no amount of new account making will change that. we see you for the lost little kid you are who wants to be right so much they will gaslight people. take this time to nurture you instead of arguing and gaslight with strangers on the internet!!!
You can only blame your victims.

    Thalia February 18, 2024 8:24 pm

    please go see your psychiatrist Anya please im begging you your mental health has been sharply declining for the past 3 months and i feel like such a fucking piece of human garbage for not being able to intervene. im genuinely concerned about your behavior and want you to be safe. im only doing this because i love and care for you, you know that...

    Aloha February 18, 2024 8:27 pm
    please go see your psychiatrist Anya please im begging you your mental health has been sharply declining for the past 3 months and i feel like such a fucking piece of human garbage for not being able to interve... Thalia

    please go see your psychiatrist Anya please im begging you your mental health has been sharply declining for the past 3 months and i feel like such a fucking piece of human garbage for not being able to intervene. im genuinely concerned about your behavior and want you to be safe. im only doing this because i love and care for you, you know that...

    Aloha February 18, 2024 8:30 pm
    please go see your psychiatrist Anya please im begging you your mental health has been sharply declining for the past 3 months and i feel like such a fucking piece of human garbage for not being able to interve... Thalia

    I have not been here for 3 months on this account. You don't even know my real profile. You are blind with your beef

Aloha February 18, 2024 3:35 pm

I have stop impersonation Levi. levi said "they made a whole ass burner account just to camp in the comments all day, harass people, and spam the Jinx comments. the mental illness is real"
That only fits her friends who have been impersonating others. I just made my account and their victims are not giving them attention and talking about the story. Levi can only mean her friends impersonating others since the 7th.

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