Trolls are impersonating real users to get them to quit.
Stop trolling the real users. The one that is beloved Rose was impersonating Empowered Guardian. I pushed them to change their names in their logic.

This is beyond scary. Leave the real users alone.

I made an account to fight the trolls impersonating others. The below is a troll.

The real EG has not responded or spammed this page.

That is a troll. They are making many people just one person. They say that as they are cyber bullying the real people. The trolls are the rape apologists. The real ones are not.

The real one has not made a comment on this page 1 of topics. They are trying to force of morning diamonds who has step in and protect many.

The below three topics are fakes. They are impersonating this user who used to be Morning diamonds. Morning Diamonds as protected many people. Ignore the trolls impersonating Morning Diamonds aka Empowered Guardian and their other friends. They are trying to defame them.