I came here bc of the Olympics video that had so many comments of jinx but after reading the comments I'm not sure whether to read it or not

Regarding https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3686909/, there are claims of a blatant lie: "He is copying my username and profile picture." https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16482046/

The individual has appropriated the identity of their target in several instances:

They falsely claimed ownership of "Unyielding Voice."

Upon realizing I was not "Unyielding Voice" but "Brave Narrator," they adopted this identity and proceeded to make deceptive statements aimed at harming their target, Morning Diamonds.

Upon another name change to "Fearless Commentator," they repeated this behavior of assuming the persona to spread deceitful messages.

Recently, I changed my username to "Steadfast Scribe," which has also been copied by them.

This pattern of copying names continues, each time accompanied by deceptive actions aimed at harming Morning Diamonds and others.

Their actions serve to confirm the existence of a cyberstalker targeting Morning Diamonds and their associates. I appreciate their unwitting assistance in highlighting this issue. I hope this clarifies the situation and dissuades further engagement with their deceptive claims.

The thread mention: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16482046/

This cyberstalker is also behind these two accounts:

https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3704978/ and https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/

The individual at https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3686909/ is engaging in cyberstalking. Their target is Morning Diamonds.

The content at https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16496497/ originates from a cyberstalker.

They plagiarized Unyielding Voice and falsely accused me of copying them. Upon realizing I am Brave Narrator, they changed their own username to Brave Narrator, claiming we consulted ChatGPT for edgy names — their first comment on this page today was a blatant lie aimed at deception as all of their comments are.

After they copied Brave Narrator, I switched to Fearless Commentator. They then stole that name and impersonated me, or rather, MD.

As of approximately 11:43 pm GMT, I've adopted the name Steadfast Scribe from MD. They will likely copy this too, continuing their deceitful charade regarding MD.

To clarify the sequence of events: On July 6, 2024, around 2:20 pm GMT, their main target changed their name to "Resolute Reader" and updated their profile picture. In response, I adopted the name Resolute Reader to match their target. Within 8 hours, [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/] also changed their name and began posting as Resolute Reader without any action on our part. They are monitoring us.

Upon observing their use of the name Resolute Reader, both their main target and I changed our names to "Unyielding Voice" around 1:18 am GMT on July 8. Shortly afterward, [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/] copied this name and brought in their Aloha account, stealing with real Aloha's identity. They have openly admitted to maintaining multiple accounts for what they call "trolling." While they may see this as harmless or entertaining, their actions constitute targeted harassment and cyberstalking, which are serious and harmful behaviors.

Persistent harassment, cyberstalking, and identity theft are unacceptable. By identifying themselves as trolls, they may seek to downplay their actions, but these behaviors have real consequences. They use this label to avoid accountability.

Recently, another account has emerged as "unyielding voice" to support them and replicate their target's and my previous name. I urge caution in engaging with them, as they have demonstrated a pattern of harmful behavior towards their targets and those who differ from them.

Upon noticing that the profile that copied "Resolute Reader" had also adopted "Unyielding Voice," we changed our name to "Brave Narrator" at 7:42 pm on July 8. Subsequent posts were made under this new name. Despite abandoning these names over 24 hours ago, only this individual with two profiles continues to use them. [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3686909/home/] claimed I copied their "Unyielding Voice" after we abandoned that name. Despite this claim, they have copied "Brave Narrator," prompting us to change our names again. Now they claim we have asked ChapGPT for "edgy names" showing what they said here [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16482046/] was a lie. Nearly everything they say is a lie.

This individual is cyberstalking, pretending to be a troll and making false claims. Avoid engaging with them as they may cause harm.

To correct [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16451353/]

I explained to this person there are 4 accounts that like the same but all 4 are different people. Their first link they used was the inactive cyberstalker and they would not have that link if not for my post. They would not have a link if not for me but they are dismissive with the cyberstalking and making me a cyberstalker.
Also, they used the inactive cyberstalker where what they said fits to the active cyberstalker with some made up information.

I hope this person just misunderstood or didn’t take time to understand. However, they seem to be one of the cyber bullies from how they talk. They seem like a troll to for all the lies and misinformation they spread.

To clarify, the cyberstalkers have been targeting the Jinx page because they were proven wrong there. They have resorted to identity theft and harassment to discredit those who called them out. Their aim is to control the narrative and harm their targets, including MD.

This behavior is a clear case of cyberstalking.

This [ https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/16449251/] is a person who has stolen the identities of two individuals to create fake conversations, pretending to be their targets and spreading lies and misinformation.

This individual is a cyberstalker who is engaging in this behavior because they were called out for being wrong. Unable to handle being wrong, they are now attempting to control and intimidate their targets.


It's necessary to clarify that the accusations against the real Morning Diamonds are false. The claim about asking a minor for a picture is based on a debunked lie and was made by a cyberstalker impersonating the target and using a sock puppet account (baileybot). The real one was not involved.

This cyberstalker has a history of impersonation and harassment, and they have admitted to "trolling" us. Their behavior is immature and harmful, aimed at spreading misinformation and causing distress.

We urge everyone to be cautious and critical of the information they come across. Spreading false accusations not only damages reputations but also contributes to a toxic and harmful environment. Let's focus on creating a community where respect and truth prevail, and where we can engage in constructive and honest dialogue.

If you see these kinds of posts, please report them to the platform’s moderators or administrators. Together, we can stand against harassment and false information.

The sock puppet albums have been destroyed with real evidence and their own claims.

The link is a topic from a cyberstalker and they know who MD is.


The comment from cyberstalker Safety is about their other account that is impersonating MD and has admitted to being a pedophile and claimed to be a rape defender.

They are trying to rage bait you with gaslighting to attack the real targets. They think they are trolling and we are hypersensitive troll victims. They are not trolling. They are blaming their actions on their targets.

Ocean is an alt of theirs. None of the targets emailed them.

The reason JK isn’t a child is because he is already bratty enough

Mingwa : 재경인 이미 애샛키라 더 어려질 수 없다는 것
(Teddy bear emoji and heart emoji)

Translation by a online translator: Jaekyungin is already a kid so he can't get any younger (teddy bear emoji and heart emoji)

The bratty part is from someone’s translation as they explained the word she used.

This is from her X (twitter) account.

The cyberstalkers are gaslighting and trying to frame someone of their actions. They are impersonating their targets and trying to frame one (which they make as all of their targets). You could be next.

Everything they said about their targets is false information. They have many false accusations.
Their behavior is saying a lot about them. We know the truth.
No matter what your POV is, and they don’t know MD’s or mine.
I think maybe we need to stand up to them and tell them to stop.

Their “fun” is boring and ruining this page. They think everyone is on their side and against MD. Cyberstalking people is never okay. They think they are trolling. They are not. Trolling is not okay either. “Trolling is for cowards”, objectively reporting.


They smell no matter how account they are on.
They have disgusting gaslighting.
They are rape apologist for
They had admitted to being pedophiles. What they say are self-projecting. They are deflecting.
We know the truth. Their disgusting behavior says more about them than it says about their targets. Their words are about themselves. Their words can’t define their targets.
They only have false accusations and trying to provoke anger reactions over the same disgusting gaslighting garbage. They never tried to understood MD and his friends. Their POV is the factual pov. The ones after them are disgusting, dishonest, and disrespectful. They are trying to isolate and manipulate them when the majority of the fandom has their pov. They are not alone. We know the truth. The ones after him are only gaslighting.

The predator of jinx thinks she has exposed something.


A mistake could be a typo. It is a common mistake.

There is a thing called copy and paste. You know copy MD’s words and paste them.

The lying fake victim has nothing. She is showing she is after us. She is harassing us. She has been told to stop.

This link below is a cyberstalker who is gaslighting their victims. Look at their topics. They have admitted being a pedo many times.

How crazy they are.
Everyone has to be MD. They want MD attention. They are not helping their case. MD isn’t responding to them. They are making themselves look like fools. Calling everyone MD or his friends. They have too much beef with MD.

They failed. They are failures. They are disgusting.
I am talking about The trolls impersonating other people.

If I can’t direct reply to the whiny little trolls. They are not able to direct reply to me. I am not the real one either.

If I failed why did you block me? If I failed why are you making me the users you are trying to defame.
If I failed why are you non-stop in your pity party that you were wrong. You are threatened by the real people!


This is a troll impersonating the real user. The troll is the rape apologist and that link is to research. That doesn’t support the disgusting troll.

The troll impersonating another users said they were a pedophile and rape apologist https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15424235/

They claim that here. The pedophiles and rape apologists are after the real users. Help! Scary!


Troll account defaming the real users. The trolls are disgusting