First he isn't their real father but it's still weird. Somebody said he's 26 while one is 21 and that has to be big cap, maybe he was 26 when the mother gave birth to them but no it can't be true they're close in age. Second incest is disgusting, I'm talking about any even bl or gl and including straight. It's not something to be sexualized
Third there are good straight smut mangas but they aren't made as often because people are more into yaoi especially these days. The ones that are made straight are made mainly for just sex so the plots mainly everywhere most of the time. Some have good art though which sucks.

I don't know if people just weren't looking at that part that much but it shows that the glasses guy was in an egg. He just didn't hatch the same time or before the mc did. So yes he is alive. The other hatched person basically explained that once their desire is satisfied that they become an egg and all that and hatch. Since hyuks desire was satisfied then he should hatch. If you look you'll see two eggs after the red stuff disappears. Hope it helps people who were confused if glasses was still alive or not.
Already in love with this, thank you so much for uploading
Accidentally down-voted. MY FAT THUMBS! (/TДT)/