I made the mistake of scrolling down and reading the comments. Whoops, not doing that again.
I don’t understand why people like to put other people down. It shouldn’t matter what another human beings body looks like. It’s not your body. It’s theirs. If someone is happy than why should it matter to you? Making comments or being rude to someone is only doing them more harm then good and frankly makes you a rude human being. My ex was one of the most beautiful people you would have ever met and she was curvy. She was dealing with PCOS and it was hard for her to loose weight. She exercised and ate right. I’m a size 1 and she has a way healthier life style than I have. Just because someone is bigger doesn’t necessarily mean they are unhealthy or lazy. Even if they do have an unhealthy life style, who cares? Let people be. If they want help or your opinion I’m sure they would ask for it.

You want to manufacture drugs and pour acid on people? well, understandably your sinner #1 since you're probably killing a lot more people/ruining more peoples lives by manufacturing those drugs more than most weapons ever could.
You want to push someone?
No, sorry. You are the second worst sinner in the world. Straight to hell. Definitely the scum of the earth.
God forbid that sinner #3 might have been one of those types of people that accidentally tripped someone in their lifetime.
It was a pretty decent manga all in all. I wasn't a big fan of the ending if you couldn't tell. I don't understand how she could be higher up in the rankings just for being close to Enra and wanting to protect him. Maybe she was going to snap after pushing Fanfan and she was going to loose her mind and go on a killing spree but Enra stopped/saved her? That wouldn't be very true to her character though. The way the manga was written it almost seemed like the higher affinity you have with the person you hurt/kill the higher up in the list you are?

I feel like you took this manga and soul eater and mashed them together you’d get shitsurakuen.
If you liked this manga, I’de highly recommend reading it.

The real story of how I became the garbage queen.
This story is seriously heart breaking though. I started reading it out of boredom and a joke but now I’m just sad. I wonder if the old women was some sort of yokai? Maybe she’s a soul of a creature who lived a similar life as hers and wanted to take her revenge through the child. I was hoping that the father was going to rescue her or save her from the bullet but at the same time if she lived with that family, I’m not sure she would be treated nicely or live a happy life. I guess it’s hard to see this story having a happy ending no matter what. Man, I’m sad.

Halfway through I started thinking that the assistant detective guy was actually the killer. Boy, was I wrong. This was a pretty good manhwa in my opinion. I’m not usually a detective novel fan however it was interesting trying to figure out who the killer was alongside the characters. My small bean brain did not suspect the younger girl (her name escapes me) to be the perpetrator in anyway shape or form. I also love how the webtoon showed some actual homophobia instead of just being like, ‘look it’s a couple that contains two girls, everyone accepts that wooooooo.’ I also love how it showed the fear of hiding your sexuality from Unnie’s perspective. I’ve never personally been in a relationship where the girl got mad at me for not telling other people about our relationship, that seemed pretty foreign to me for Hana’s perspective (I might of got her name wrong) I know that happens in lgbtq+ relationships however most people I know understand the fear and discrimination that comes with being a lesbian so they understand not wanting to tell people. There were so many different sides to one story. I would highly recommend this to anyone and I’m definitely going on Lezhin to support the author.

I’m not sure why I’m crying but this is the first manhwa (or really anything manga, manwua or anything of the sorts) to actually make me shed a tear. I don’t usually get emotional over any literature. I know that there are raws but if anyone knows a translated copy of this please post it. Ugh, help. :’)

This manga started off so beautifully. It flowed nicely and the drama was well written. It was so good up until the Taeyeol flipping locked Soohan up and wouldn’t let him go outside. I guess I saw it coming when he talked about how he did it to his past fiancé but since we don’t really get to see any interactions between him and his ex-fiance and it didn’t go too deep into it, I guess I wasn’t really invested into their relationship so it didn’t bother me. However the way it was written kind of struck a nerve. I get that Soohan broke his heart but that should not justify what happened. He even chocked him for flipping sake. It just kind of felt like Soohan felt that the way he was being treated was justified and the fact that Taeyeol even said something along the lines of, “Just because I’m letting you go this easily doesn’t mean that our relationship up until now meant nothing.” It just left me feeling gross. That was not letting him go easily, he even physically, sexually, and verbally assaulted him. Not to mention the fact that only after a couple of months they just agree to work together and become lovers again as if nothing happened. Soohan was even the one to apologize and not Taeyeol. He was even explaining why he said the things he did and Taeyeol was just like, “I understand.” They didn’t talk about the event at all and the way it was written just made it seem like Taeyeol was the victim. (At least that’s the way I interpreted it) It just felt like if the story continued that something like this might happen again. The relationship just feels really volatile at this point.
I also just want to state that even though I have some PTSD from a certain event that happened to me stories like these don’t usually bother me. I don’t know if it’s because I was invested in the story or because of the way it was written but I’m just sad that the manga had to end that way.

Probably you felt it that way 'cause it's true that the end was pretty rushed, i feel like 3 more chapters before the last one would have been more logical or better... & about Taeyeol i' m not saying that is ok the way he acted but i sympathize him, i think it was the fault of both of them for not having a good communication. Soohan did it good at apologizing to him but Taeyeol should have done the same. About what you said of manipulating him with "just because im letting you this easily..." more than manipulative it was like he gave up, cause even if he had said that or not Soohan would have think of him again & again cause he was already in love with Taeyeol... Well i hope for some extras in the future i don't know to make me believe more in their relationship 'cause it was too fast how they fixed their relationship & it gives you the feeling that something is missing.

Includes a spoiler
Not going to lie, it’s been a while since I’ve read a story this good. It was refreshingly real in a way. As a lesbian I have to say that I think the mangaka captured what it’s like to be in a gay relationship pretty well unlike a lot of other manwha or manga. The scenario with the girl not taking no for an answer and Dowoon getting jealous/insecure about the whole thing hits home hard. I’ve been on both Jigoo’s and Dowoon’s side of the equation in scenarios very similar to this. Not to mention the fear of having to come out to someone no matter who it is. It’s an amazing Manuwa that I would highly recommend.
I’m definitely buying this manga to support the mangaka. For some reason the only word to enter my mind after reading this was, “human.” Which honestly is a perfect way from my point of view to some up the entire experience I had while reading this. It was just a story about humans being human in the purest essence of the word. It’s a bittersweet story about love and how beautiful and merciless it can be. I think that unrequited love doesn’t necessarily have to be sad. Falling in love is such a beautiful feeling and when that feeling slowly turns into a bittersweet ache it can also be beautiful. Some people can just indent a part of themselves into your being and it can really change you to your core. It can leave some with a feeling of loneliness/emptiness, others with a feeling of gratitude, strangely people may even feel a sense of fulfillment, and others with a sense of remorse and regret. I think that this manga show cased that in such a beautiful way. It’s strange how one person can leave such a mark on so many different people’s lives without even realizing it (I can’t remember the romantic interests name) So good. Loved this very much.