Iz this what it feels like to have a friend in an abusive situation but ur friend is the one who doesn't want to end the abuse and just wishes to stay with their abuser because ur friend feels like all they have is that abuser?
Men, I'm so heartbroken for irl people that lives like this. The type of people to get stuck in this kind of relationship, first of all, the abuser makes them dependent on him, be sweet and kind always. And the abuser always insists that he provides for the abused. The abused ofc will also like it becuz who doesn't want to get spoiled?
Then, abuser will turn cold, just enough to make the abused desperate.
After that, the abuse begins.
The abused won't be able to see their situation clearly, clouded by emotions and intense feeling of obsession.
Urgh, I know they're going to be together at the end, but men... That just hurts to imagine that no matter what happens, the abuser in this story will win.
Lmao, dumbass can't even say that he's worried about him lmao. Stoopid. MC, go die and make him regret not telling u that he was worried about ur health and all of this is ALREADY WAY PASS just becuz he wants u as his jinx lmao. It would have been easier if he tried this jinx out with someone else but dumbass stuck around and wanted him specifically. Dumbass bitch go regret ur dumbass decisions already.