??? June 23, 2024 10:59 pm

Whenever i read this i end up squeaking and screaming. They are so cuteeeee they are my babies this is my fav bl ever ♡♡

??? June 16, 2024 8:50 pm

Legit thought it was a redrawn version of "The Lady Wants to Rest" the cover is also so similar


??? June 16, 2024 7:23 pm

Uhm you shouldn't treat ur dog like that, it's animal abuse

??? June 16, 2024 8:43 am

You are okay letting go of the past. Good for u that u are moving on, NOT ME. I get it, it's supposed to be realistic and all but i want them to be together and happy. I want them to reunite TwT

??? June 11, 2024 3:01 pm

Man i hate the 1st seme. He was being forceful but it's still whatever. But when he got angry over such a small thing and R -ed uke just to come back after few days, no redemption or anything. He didn't even apologize and acted like everything was okay. The uke was like aww I'm so old & boring...boy bruh...
Does the seme have some kind BPD or something?

The 2nd couple was cute

    larulair June 12, 2024 12:43 am

    Okay I gotta ask, how do you go from "1st seme is so forceful and has no redemption" to "2nd couple was cute" when the seme in the second story does literally the same thing?? Gropes the uke when he's sleeping, initiates sex with him when he's repeatedly saying no and stop, takes pictures of him without his consent which leads to the uke feeling like he can't say no to continuing their sexual relationship..... the seme never apologizes, but instead says "Since you didn't really resist, wouldn't anyone think that meant they had a chance?" and his actions are brushed off simply because the uke realizes he was in love with the seme the whole time.

    So what part was cute in comparison to the first story??

    Titanium1 June 12, 2024 1:11 am

    Exactly like for me the 2nd one was even more worse

??? June 1, 2024 11:08 am

So did they graduate or nah?

??? May 27, 2024 10:28 pm

I feel like author forgot about the childhood friend

??? May 7, 2024 6:38 pm

The art is beautiful and the story is good. Ik a lot of ppl are hating on it but i really like it. The story is interesting and has a psychological aspect to it. Yes, the seme is immature but that's what makes this story interesting. Seme is stuck in the past, he wishes things to be the same like always. Everyone around him is moving on and yet he doesn’t have s future ( that's what he believes), which is making him a insecure person. His insecurity doesn’t let him enjoy the present and that could also be the reason he stopped going to University. U can see how he reacts whenever work life, University or future broughts up which is destroying his social life, friends and relationships, ultimately making him more insecure, depressed and anti social.
Uke oth changed as time passed by. That's how humans are. His emotional maturity and adult life came to him naturally, that's why he is unable understand what seme is feeling.

Sadly, ppl do change over time. No matter how close you are to someone, they are gonna change. Someday it will feel like they are totally a brand new unknown person.
But you have to remember that the memories you shared together was precious, even if things change, you and ur loved one change, u can still create new good memories. U Don't have to relive the past or dwell upon nostalgia. It's totally fine to be nostalgic time to time but holding onto them is gonna do nothing but destroy you. At the end of the day, time doesn’t stop for anyone. Sounds harsh but trust me, you are gonna be fine. It's not end of the world, it never was.

??? May 5, 2024 1:53 pm

Can anyone tell me what kind of Bob hair cut Duke's hair is???? It looks like an angle bob with layers but idk... I wanna have that same hair cut TwT yall help me out here

??? May 3, 2024 6:40 pm

2nd couple's uke, Baek Seonwoo's character is phenomenal. His character design is so good and very 3rd dimensional. He is such a grey character like a real person.
I kept saying that I'm better than him cause I'm not manipulative like him. But he always brings out my negative sides. His trust issues, abandonedment isses - all of them were so relatable.

"If I hadn't, I knew that i would eventually grow to depend on it ( seme's kindness). to me, your kindness is a poison"

This hits where it hurts. I never had anyone like seme but i know exactly what Seonwoo means. The way he goes back and forward trusting and not trusting seme, his doubts about everyone around him - i can relate so much.
(Even tho ik it in my head but I'll probably not trust someone so easily tho the uke also didn’t do it so easily either ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍)

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