Mylai88 April 29, 2024 3:27 am

He complains wayyyyy too much and is never satisfied and doesn’t accept his feelings either.. they both are in denial but Sanho is far worse.

    MELI April 29, 2024 5:17 am

    I don't think sanho is in denial I think he's aware of his feelings but doesn't want to give in first and confess which I understand because if he had confessed first tak would have rejected him hard considering how until now he realized his feelings

    hatdiggitydog April 29, 2024 3:16 pm

    maybe if tak or any of sanho's friends ever ACTUALLY listened to sanho, then he wouldn't have to constantly complain and yell and be loud so he can be heard? have you ever thought of that....his character is meant to be that way bc no one ever listens to him. you call him annoying which he probably is but thats mostly bc everyone around him is making him act that way.

    plus sanho isn't in denial, he just doesn't want to keep being used as a sex toy by tak when tak is being shitty to him and won't admit his feelings. and imagine if sanho did say his feelings out loud, then tak would've been like wtf hell no. and sanho knew that. that's why he literally didn't say anything about his own feelings he wanted tak to admit his own first.

    Mylai88 April 29, 2024 5:03 pm

    Yeah you are right.. the main couple hasn’t helped out at all. They are selfish and aren’t very good friends… but he is still annoying to me lol but I understand why he is behaving that way.. he did say he wants romance and some fairytale love…BUT also he is the one who kisses his room mate when he is blacked out drunk.. wakes up the next day and acts like nothing happened and I think his room mate (I forgot his name) just got use too it. I mean this was going on since they got to college I think so it’s been a year + That’s why he was able to deny his feelings while being open sexually. There was no motivation to be open about his feelings since they were sexually active already and live together… it’s so obvious they like each other, they are both hard headed.. lol Opposites attract so they will be fine once they both are open and honest.

    hatdiggitydog April 29, 2024 7:51 pm
    Yeah you are right.. the main couple hasn’t helped out at all. They are selfish and aren’t very good friends… but he is still annoying to me lol but I understand why he is behaving that way.. he did say h... Mylai88

    bruh what?

    his roommate tak was the one who kept kissing sanho when he was drunk. sanho would literally be drunk and passed out he wasn't even aware that tak was kissing him, and tak would kiss him while he's sleeping or passed out from being too drunk. tak was the one doing that and the one who started it, NOT sanho.

    the only reason sanho ever found out that tak was kissing him while he was sleeping (which is literally sexual assault but anyway) was bc one time when sanho was pretending to be asleep and then tak kissed him, so sanho realised that tak kisses him every time when he's drunk.

Mylai88 April 25, 2024 6:01 am

The professor is freakin annoying… his “brother” is annoying… they are childish and literally a conversation could have cleared everything up. Blondie is way more mature than the lot of them… I feel bad for him. Yeah he is a little pushy but tbh the relationship would have gone in circles if he didn’t do anything…he should have boundaries at school though, that’s one thing I am against,.. stop being so sexual at work/school… like jeez control yourself, but I’m personally more conservative with things like that… so that maybe just preference. But this seems dragged out with a whole bunch of annoying dramas. Like y’all are too old for this…

Mylai88 April 23, 2024 1:05 pm

Idk I just don’t get why he always makes things worse by trying to cover things up and seem perfect. No one is perfect. It’s never good to hide things from your partner. Idc what the intentions are… you are still a liar.. and how naive can you be? Seriously. It’s just annoying at this point. The story literally has no good in it… it’s just dumb dramas and the typically bad guys one after another… how cliche. Sorry lost interest.

Mylai88 April 21, 2024 5:13 pm

If he was going to fall for the friend, he would have… it’s already been over a year and his decision didn’t waver at all. He is not emotionally attached to him in any way.

Mylai88 April 20, 2024 4:54 am

He has gone to far, idk how he can even redeem himself at this point. Why is he such a douche. This was the perfect timing to start fresh, both of them. They both went to the extremes with things. I mean he stalked and blamed him for crap that wasn’t his fault with a mentally unstable girl. But she needed help and didn’t have any. That’s sad. To do all he did was illegal and bad too but in a completely different way.

Mylai88 April 18, 2024 3:25 am

Some of these stories piss me off. How do you expect someone who is young and immature that is trying to find there own way in life to sacrifice himself for his old ass grandma and two young kids. Selfishness all around. Idc, those little brats has the audacity to complain when it’s easy for them to live and not have a care in the world while there brother is sacrificing his future and body for their ungrateful asses. Is he making good decisions ?! No of course not, but do you think a minimum wage job is going to take care of a whole family and all of the bills. He could have just left and had it easy but NO he is trying regardless if it’s misguided… he is easily manipulated and used. I feel bad for him tbh.

    Vansire April 18, 2024 4:54 am

    They really expected him to raise two kids properly while being a teenager who was never raised properly + is a highschool drop out... like cmon cant you atleast be thankful your brother hasnt harmed you nor himself physically even thru all that..

    Mylai88 April 18, 2024 5:05 am
    They really expected him to raise two kids properly while being a teenager who was never raised properly + is a highschool drop out... like cmon cant you atleast be thankful your brother hasnt harmed you nor hi... Vansire

    Exactly. They weren’t complaining when the money was coming in? Not asking where the money came from!! I’m so sick of these selfish disgusting stories. It’s just sad.

    VeryHigh April 18, 2024 8:08 am

    Everyone....those two just kids
    They feel bad about not being able to lead a normal life. It's hard for them too. How are they supposed to understand that???
    If yall wanna blame someone,blame their granny,parents or some shit

    Lilysky April 18, 2024 2:43 pm

    I feel bad for him too. In this situation, it’s not his fault, it’s not the kids fault, fuck, granny isn’t fully to blame here. But as the responsible guardian… I do blame her for most part. The kids are young and frustrated. I’m sure they also wonder why they can’t have nice things. The girl wasn’t ungrateful, like her little brother said “why are you lying?” You can clearly tell she doesn’t want to be a burden to her big brother. They love their brother so much. It’s an unfortunate situation for everybody involved.

    Vansire April 18, 2024 9:11 pm
    Everyone....those two just kidsThey feel bad about not being able to lead a normal life. It's hard for them too. How are they supposed to understand that???If yall wanna blame someone,blame their granny,parents... VeryHigh

    We're not blaming both of them but we're upset of how the family acts towards him. Like the grandma insulting/being insensitive towards him is what caused the other kid to act the same instead of asking him how he was doing. It's honestly so messed up and it's sad.

    Vansire April 18, 2024 9:12 pm
    Exactly. They weren’t complaining when the money was coming in? Not asking where the money came from!! I’m so sick of these selfish disgusting stories. It’s just sad. Mylai88

    ikr the grandma really aint helping either its so sad

Mylai88 April 15, 2024 8:33 pm

Let’s have a lot of side stories. Them buying there home. Getting use to living together, Lyle being more open and honest. More smut obviously. His brothers love story. I want soooooo much more please. This was the cutest most heartfelt loving story ever. It was perfection. I can’t get enough of it. I would love to suppose this author.

Mylai88 April 14, 2024 12:36 pm

How can he be mad and hold another child, barely a teenager responsible for him being a darn omega. This is just bat shit cray cray.. I get being upset but to go this far is beyond words. And then for that boy and other people around him to condone this behavior. It's too far. Idk it's not fun watching rape over and over again. Very cringe and I have to skip it. I just want to know what happened to alpha turned omega boy the night he was suppose to get omega turned alpha boy..I mean he did leave the spot he was suppose to meet him.. but I guess we'll see the story unfold. I hope I won't have to drop this story. SMH

    Akiraa_ April 14, 2024 2:18 pm

    i don’t think the seme was an omega turned into an alpha. I think in his childhood people assumed that he would be an omega because he was "petite" and "pretty" but he was an alpha from the start. And yeah, he’s a piece of shit and worse for doing all that to the uke without any good reason. He didn’t even try to know what happened to the uke, and why he didn’t come that day. I’m looking forward to when everything will unfold too ! But seeing the raws, the story is not going anywhere and seme is the worst scumbag ever.

Mylai88 April 14, 2024 10:01 am

You will not regret reading this a few times… I’m on my third time. It’s so sweet and cute. Unlike any other story. And not unnecessary drama and petty craziness with exs and unrequited loves etc. all the cliche drama.. truly beautiful. Loving and caring.

Mylai88 April 14, 2024 7:45 am

What an asshole. He is a douche bag w a big dick. I hope it ends up screwing himself over. I get that he is scared of his brother but get people on your side, why just be a pussy and roll over. I’ll never understand the stupidity. Smh

    Reneec April 15, 2024 2:25 pm

    I mean it might just be death and not just his death but the death of those around him or who dare to help might make him second guess the involvement of others let alone he has no one in his immediate vicinity to trust but we can respect the fact that strategic cowardice could save your life. Well idiotic bravery could end it fear is a feeling that keeps you alive courage is ability to fight through fear strength gives u the means to fight for ur life will gives you motivation and hope builds determination

    teichin April 17, 2024 9:32 pm

    Isn't it a status thing for both of them? If ML is any less than the family of MC, pretty sure they're just going to get killed. Its the same reason why ML even agreed to MC's proposition. They have to make it believable. There's not that many choices.

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