I dunno if they would follow the novel but the end game is anakhin and the current eris we know

got this from novel updates

A new story has been written. The world obeys the new god.

"......Wouldn't it be more fun if the world we were in was like that?"

Anakin, who was listening to my long story, blinked and clapped. No matter how hard I look at it, I don't think he understand what I'm talking about.

Haggi is Anakin, who has never read the original book, so it was natural that he could not understand it well. Anakin hurriedly held my hand and added it to my face whether my disappointment was visible.

"It was fun. But I don't like your death...”

"It’s not me. It's supposed to be Eris. Besides, Helena is going to save her again, right?"


Anakin still didn't seem to understand. I guess I shouldn’t be a writer.

Anakin didn’t seem to understand me and I wasn't confident in making other readers understand. If I could explain my creation more in detail, I would look miserable because of my immature writing.

Instead, I held Anakin's hand tightly and turned around.

“Are you still studying?”

“Oh, yes. The teacher comes three times a week."

I don't know what the principle is, but there was no problem talking to me, Anakin, or in books, or in Korea. However, it was difficult to live independently in many ways. He said he learned it now, but at first he didn't even know how to operate the elevator.

Anakin was relearning the whole text, basic culture, and manners to adapt in Korea.

It might seem strange because a grown-up man is just starting, but I heard that the Koreans who were born and raised in a foreign country were looking around in the way that they returned to Korea.

Anakin didn't know what Korean was, so he asked me. Since I met him again, meeting Anakin three times a week was technically a kind of class.

Anakin still had a lot of things he didn't know, and I was responsible for bringing him into this strange country.

But, I met my loved one after many twists and turns, and the class wouldn't stand out.

In the meantime, I was going on a date by dragging Anakin here and there, saying that it was a field trip, but I was getting tired of it and my bank account balance was rapidly decreasing, so I started to feel burdened.

For that reason, it has been a daily routine to bring him home with the excuse of looking after his studies and to go back and forth with him.

I looked next to Anakin, who was studying hard. He was still sensitive to my pretense.

In fact, not only was he sensitive to the appearance, but he could still use swordsmanship.

When I asked why it was possible, he said he didn't know. Now that there is no witch to ask, the truth is in mystery, but considering what the witch said to him last, the talent of the Sword Master was in the soul, not the body.

Even so, it is a waste that Korea will not be able to develop its talent. Is there really no one? Everyone is doing YouTube these days, so why don't I take Anakin and change him to a YouTuber?

I imagine Anakin holding a sword and using this and that. The title is, “Cutting a watermelon with a butter knife?!" I’m sure we’ll get a lot of views...

I was laughing with joy just thinking about it, but Anakin began to look at me instead of looking at the book. Maybe He shouldn't be a YouTuber...

I don't know what the owner was doing, but now Anakin looks like an idol trainee. What if the whole nation recognizes you because you became famous..?

I was so greedy that I wanted to monopolize Anakin as my own when I was Eris and now.

I pulled Anakin's cheek to my face wondering what he was thinking. He naturally closed his eyes, and we no longer ask each other for permission.

Come to think of it, we were going to plant a white myrtle. Let's plant something else instead of course. Something that will bloom as long as possible.

No, I'll plant a tree so it won't wither. How about orange trees?

“Anakin, is there anything you want to do?”

“Actually I want to find the necklace you gave me.”

“The choker? Come on, let's go couple it.”

“...are we engaged?”

Sometimes, I stopped whatever I am doing, thinking about what happened to the characters in the book after I left.

All the people in the house must be in a mess. Cynthia is still going to stay in the alley. Did she wake up safely?

Whenever happens, they seem to be able to survive without me, so I stop worrying for a short time and worry about my way back to hard reality.

I still dream sometimes these days.

But now it can happen without dying.
2021-04-24 04:54 marked
I don't know if I can really feel that sorry for him...
We know that he is being ostracized and targeted by his own evil mother and brothers...
And with his power of mind reading and mind manipulation he is feared and a big threat.
I can understand his twisted behaviour but he had plenty of opportunities to actually treat the FL better before she realized her mistake and started to avoid him.
He kept testing and bullying her until he becomes aware of his own stupidity/love feelings/obsession. That yandere jerk is quite toxic dangerous and the author make the FL stupid enough to run after him, forgive and fall in love with him despite all the years of mistreatment she suffered...
I hate the logic: "Because we ve spent so much time together, we have now an emotional bond that can't be broken..." What a bad message for readers who are wasting their time on kissing up assholes!!!

I think I have more sympathy for the ML in "The Villain's Saviour". Do you know why?
2020-11-26 18:41 marked
Basically, no one wants to break up with her. She kept doing the "since-this-is-the-last-time-we'll-see-each-other-I'll-act-friendly" method which obviously fires back and they're all in love with her now.

The King, the original heroine's father, is the antagonist. He wants his daughter to marry No. 1 but No. 1 is in love with MC.

No. 2 was sent to kill MC but he killed his client instead because he's in love with MC.

No. 3 finally found another wolf who thought he was saving No. 3 from his slave owner but No. 3 saved MC because he's in love with her.
Some said No. 2 is the ML probably because he's on the novel cover twice but No. 1 had more scenes out of all 3 of them so idk about that...
2020-10-25 17:32 marked
For all the people saying reconcile and father learning.. is you dont want spoilers Do not Read below.

Spoilers from raws and novel.
It is true that Cosette had the power to mindcontrole... however.. the father noticed said power on their first meeting and WAS NOT AFFECTED (he was prety much immune to mindcontrole).
Cosette is his daughter, in a sence... He had TWO wifes.. FL's mother and Cosette's mother aka the first wife.
The fater is a real piece of work.. He belives Neutrality is the meaning of existence for the household.. as it has had the Neutral symbol for generations..
The family of Fl's mother despiced the first-wife for stealing all the love of the father.. hence they made first-wife's life miserable, tarnished her reputation, bullied and even atempted assasination on her (FL's mother was not involved). The father let all of this happen... all to saty Neutral as he felt he MUST NOT CHOSE A SIDE.. in the end the first Wife was acused of being infertile, so to keep the peace he chased her out.
The First wife was not infertile and was in fact pregnant with twins, but the suffering she had to endure caused her to have hatred for the household and the Let it all happen husband. First wife swore vengeance on the household and offered her soul in returne for this. A Demon came to her and made a deal she give her soul and it would destroy the household, little did she know loosing her soul woul kill her and her unborn children.
First wife made the deal and lost her soul dying in the progess while highly pregnant, out of the twins (Boy and girl) the girl died with the mother leaving an empty shell for the demon to enter aka Cosette. The body was found and the kids were C-Sectioned out, the boy was alive and healther and the girl Cosette was never actualy born as she had no soul.

Cosette arives 15 year's later to fufill the deal of destroying the household, she does so by using her demonic power to brainwash normal humans, aka servants and friend of FL, the father however is not affected but choses to accept the new daughte... to keep Neutrality..
Fl actualy does have the family power but Cosette stals said power when it manifests (brainwashing the spirits to come to her), so everytime Fl uses the power it goes straight to Cosette making it llok like shes the one doing it.

Cosette starst all sorts of rumors about FL and even bullies her but acts like the victim and yet again the father does noting all to stay Neutral.

The reason the father slaped FL when she pulled a sword on Cosette was because servants were watching hench Fl tranished the family name and so he punished her for making him seen none Neutral..

WHen Fl is acused of being not being the father's child... Cosette uses the power to have ppl call fl a witch and demons, this causes people to call for her execution.
The father DESPITE KNOWING 100% that Fl is his kid goes with the majority to stay Neutral and not cause an uprore..

When the execution wote comes the father finaly choses a side... wotying to kill Fl all because Cosette has ben "proven" to be the saint... hence the other daughter bust the a demon or witch.. and must die.. He even says that Fl has done no Crime other than her birth..

After the execution of FL... hell came to earth and destroyed the kindome as the saint was no more..
The father works with a powerfull mage to turne back time, NOT TO SAVE FL but to save his household from falling to ruin... They cast a spell that will send their minds to their past selfs, but only one person will have all the memoried. The second person will only have fragments.... However because FL was the Saint her blessing caused an overide in the spell, giving FL all her memories and the father fragments ( this was not the intentions of the father).
All the fathers nightmares are past memory fragments...Oh and he still choses to saty Neutral.. and forces FL and Cosette to fight their difrences out without interfearing..

Fl end up abandoning the father to travel the world with her brother.
2020-10-18 21:24 marked

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