Night's feed

Night created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

In this manhwa the only character I like is the ML

mature, understanding, handsome, loyal, doesn't hesitate even though all the shit he's been through..

he doesn't hurt those around him and apologizes when he makes a mistake, he even apologized even though he didn't do anything....

but look at the MC's actions, he's the complete opposite of those qualities....

one problem and he's the reason for it, it made him go to his ex's house and he was hesitant to accept him, he's disgusting ....
he always thinks he's the victim and blames those around him as if he's the only one suffering..

he's selfish and only cares about himself and how he feels....
I don't think he really likes the ML, maybe I felt sympathy for him at first, but now I just don't like him..

a character like this is tiring and doesn't deserve to be loved...

Greenhead should be thankful for the rest of his life that he left him, cause after that he met another nice and wonderful person....

I bet when a problem happens again he'll run to someone else for comfort, what a waste....

really the ML deserves better ....

This is all just my opinion, if you disagree then you are free too .. of course