I really didn't hate for the two main characters to end up together as much as I did in this manhwa.
I really don't know, it ended a long time ago but when I browse the manhwas and see the cover I just hate it so much.
The strange thing is that I did not forget how the MC did this when he gave the ML hope and they had a date the next day.
Even after the end of the side story and the cute moments between them, I still hate it.
Perhaps if the author had not added those chapters, it would have been much better.

I have read the raw.
I didn't really like it.
MC continued exploiting the blondie ML from beginning to end.
He continues to get free housing, food and rest,
ML has loved him since he was young but MC made it clear that he does not want a relationship and they even promised each other not to fall in love. .. So far, things are good.
So when the blondie ML found out that he couldn't keep his promise, he told MC to find a place and go.
He was trying hard not to interfere and make MC uncomfortable.
But the MC was very selfish.
He kept making himself pathetic in order to stay in his house, he also applied what he learned from the master to him.
It was very clear that he loved the other person (the one he filmed porn videos with).
He felt more comfortable and safe with him.
In fact, the master was not bad.
He helped MC a lot, took care of him, and even told him to end this relationship, but MC refused because he felt comfortable being with him,
And because the master did not want to enter into a deeper relationship even though he loved MC. ..
This made the blondie ML, the only option left.
He was always by MC's side, and he didn't want to be left alone ,i don't think he actually loved him.
I didn't like the ending.
I was hoping that MC would end up with the master (I think having them together is better), and that he would leave ML to find his own happiness....

This is really strange..
The manhwa ended.. but the writer kept showing baek uh even until the end...
it's just annoying.
Is it necessary to know in detail about Baek Un and his relationship with Joobin?
Many chapters are wasted just to learn about a past that is not important and will not help the story advance.
So what does the writer want?
To make Joobin the most attractive in the world? He really made it clear, he even exaggerated a lot, compared to Yikyung's situation where he was always nervous and jealous, as if he wanted to show that Yikyung should be thankful that he got such an attractive and rare person,
this made the content a bit boring for me, Unnecessarily long.
Just think about it, the story is about Yikyung and Joobin, why don't we focus on their relationship more instead of making Yikyung feel this way? Why should the writer always show him in this way? Is there any benefit in knowing the details of his previous relationship and showing that person a lot? It is not as if that added anything.

Well the way I see it that it showed that while Joobin did care for the ex a bit, but didn’t love him the way he loves Yikyung. The thing that really broke up Joobin and the ex is that he never made Joobin a priority. If the ex had been working and to'd Joobin collapsed he would finish working, whereas Yikyung would come running and he did. So I guess it was just to show what Joobin needed in his life that never got from the ex, he with him he was still unhappy and depressed because of his first love death, but with Yikyung he is happy. It took a while
but he finally freed himself from the shackles that were holding him down.
Oh but I do agree with you I couldn’t care less about the ex flashback

Yes I see that,
To show us what Joobin needs when he gets into a relationship...
This is good . ..
But was it necessary to reformulate the matter dozens of times, and present it from different points of view in many chapters?
And continuing to show his ex and making Yikyung’s character like this, even though he is an attractive, bright and kind person, this didn't appear much, perhaps in the last chapters, Unfortunately...
if the writer had not exaggerated the matter and made it quick, it would have been perfect, but I think the author wanted to procrastinate and prolong the story..

What is this ?
During these years ML was not with anyone,
he only loved MC....
While he watches him sleep with all types and come to him whenever he wants, and now he has a fiance..,
(I know that he suffers and that he does not want this situation and that he is forced into it and his family is suck)...
but what is ML’s fault in this? why does he have to suffer with him?
why does he ask him to wait no matter how long it takes?
He has waited for you for 10 years.
What do you want from him? Just leave him alone.
You haven't resolved anything. .Or do you want to return to him with a child from another alpha ..
I don’t know. I just I think the writer exaggerated this so I did't like the story..
in general...I do't like stupid love in this way...

Yeah that's just bad. ..
Regardless of the difficulties that MC faces, I think that he is very selfish, and only cares about his feelings and comfort. ..
Did he really think about the ML’s feelings during those years and how he watched him with others and now with his fiancé ? No,of course he didn't care at all..
while the author made the ML inexperienced, Innocent, and did'nt love anyone except MC..
Even if he tries to give up, the MC gives him false hope and tells him to wait no matter how long it takes..
Where is the love in a relationship that wasn't equal from the beginning? It is as if the role of the ml has been determined, like a dog that does nothing but wait for its owner to return..
This is just ridiculous and stupid ,in my opinion

Is not a relashionship, like You said the Omega is just a selfish shit, and only cares about his own feelings and comfort. The Woojoo pffft fck it is like that prick MC omega is saying "If that asshole loves me like he says, he just has to put up with it, after all he is impotent." I can't sympathize with him or his problems. Also, I think he is very capable of getting pregnant by another Alpha, marrying the other, living with the other and having the idiot Woojoo... Like.... Like IDK like a vibrator for when he's bored or when he remember him. He is a despicable character I think the right word would be NEFASTO and a whore.

Yes exactly .....
I don't know what the content of the second season will be. ..
But it will certainly contain more shit and disgusting things that the ML will have to endure while the MC continues to play here and there pretending that he really cares about the ML and that he's trying to find a solution..
and he himself hasn't made any difference in the past ten years and hasn't solved anything, rather the situation has become worse. ..
And then, as the author prefers, there will be a happy ending, trite and ridiculous as usual..

It's actually funny,10yr old me will literally write this kind of stupid story but now I just find it so annoying like bro pretty sure no one is that stupid in love even in a fictional, like what kind of happy ending will they have after all the things they went to,for real will they even feel happy after this??? Let's be realistic,they definitely won't be happy.The seme's mind will only filled with anxiousness thinking that the uke might be sleeping with somebody again or came back with his ex or getting engaged again etc. while the uke will be trying his best to make to guarantee to seme that he is loyal to him and then what happens next,the seme will say he believes him and that he trust him when in fact he already lost his trust(and even though they're still not in a relationship,the seme is already showing some sign that his shit is already going crazy)So what's even the point if they had a happy ending lmao?? I hope the author doesn't let these two MC end up with each other,like you said the author didn't make the ml any experience and only love the MC his whole life and yeah it's really exaggerating,they doesn't deserve each other, the seme deserve someone who can help him improve himself not help him lose himself

All stories these days end like this...
"a happy ending"....
and when you look at the events of the story you really wish that the two main characters didn't end up together....
It is not necessary to force them together just to make it a ridiculous happy ending..... especially if there is a lot and a lot of suffering for one of the parties..
It just doesn't make sense..

I just wish ml would have at least a chance to experience a healthy relationship where he's not always undermined and needs to put up with other person ridiculous expectations while he himself is breaking down.
Like here i just don't want him to end up with mc but at the end it gonna be what i hope wouldn't happen....
A girl can wish in her dreams

Yes, just a dream..
There are a lot of stories like this, I really wished that the two main characters would go their own way, and not end up together...
but as you said that won't happen, we are reading unreal, unrealistic stories so it must end with them being connected together, even if what is between them is only suffering and pain ...

The story is nice and good, healthy relationship ,I really liked it, but there is one thing that bothered me.
The writer focused on making Joobin an exaggeratedly likable person with limitless charm. (Most of the existing characters had either dated him or were fans of him).
Not that this was a bad thing, but I felt it was exaggerated.
It showed the big difference between him and Yikyung, whether in terms of dating or sex, even though the age difference was only 4 years.
This made yikyung nervous most of the time and afraid of being compared to his ex lovers, as this was his first relationship and he had no experience.
Although our cute yikyung is handsome and has an attractive and wonderful personality, it does not appear, What appears is anuxity and frequent jealousy in many, many situations.
Although the writer made it clear in the conclusion that Yikyung is the first main character, the focus on joobin's past and his relationships had the largest share in the story(Especially his last relationship, in many chapters, I did not really know what the writer wanted to convey to us).
Exaggerating the matter is what bothered me a little bit, but perhaps for others it is very normal and okay..

After reading this nonsense...
I really hate Henry.
He is a selfish person who only cares about himself.
I really didn't know what he wanted.
He loved Sam and didn't want to admit it.
He played with that innocent child and shed some tears in the end as if that justified what he did.
I don't hate Sam, he didn't do anything wrong. ..
But Henry, who was playing with their feelings without knowing what his feelings were and what he wanted, and this hurt both of them
He is truly the worst..

This is really annoying..
Why is Shizuma acting like this?
Didn't he learn from his previous experience?
Why does he act so nice to everyone, especially the boss, even though he knows how upset Minato is about the matter, but he just doesn't learn?
allowing him to talk about his relationship and his lover in this way,
Is he an idiot or what?
Does he have to get hit on his empty head to wake up? Or is he so relaxed because he knows how much Minato loves him?
Just imagine the roles being reversed, and Minato doing this, smiling at everyone, acting extra nice, spending time with his boss, and showing up to their date with his boss. How would Shizuma's reaction be?
I just feel bad for Minato. He's really very nice and loves Shizuma a lot and always supports and encourages him and tries to change better for him, but all he gets is constant fear and anxiety because of that idiot's actions.
Fuck this relationship

we need to look this in different point of views, first, their culture. as we all know japanese culture is very polite, let's leave it at that. second, it's work related stuff. Shizuma tries his best to be aware, and that can be seen from his train of thoughts whenever he's interacting with his boss. But, since it's his boss, and most of the stuff they're doing are work related, then there's nothing shizuma can do, or else it would be rude. Shizuma is striving for his dreams, and these interactions of having a good and positive relationship with your boss can help him achieve that dream smoothly.
Now, I think the issue is Minato. Minato has severe trauma from his past, and so much trust issues that he himself is aware of, but cannot do anything about it. Shizuma is a reassuring partner, and minato knows that too. It's just that minato and his mind, clashes all the time. Minato knows it's nothing, but his mind can't help but think the worst case scenarios, because it's his way of defense and preparation of the worst outcome. But minato's mind, is always wrong, it's just him simply overthinking..
If you've ever been in a relationship, especially with a person that has severe trust issues, it can be hard, and it will take a lot of explaining to do. but it also requires communication, and understanding, which both of them are practicing.
Let's be happy that both of them are trying their best to make this relationship work.

I know Minato has his own trauma. ..
He always tends to overthink.
It wasn't that bad at first But Shizuma's actions have a role in this.
Respecting the boss and building a good relationship, I understand that.
But he exaggerates this.
He himself knows what is happening with Minato and that he always feels insecure, and he agreed to enter into a relationship with him despite knowing that.
Minato tries to change, but what is Shizuma doing?
He makes things worse with his behavior.
He really puts work first and makes Minato feel lonely. This is what made his ex-girlfriend leave him.
He doesn't try to learn from his mistake and change, and because Minato loves him so much, he always puts the blame on himself.
Loving your job and being ambitious is a good thing, but you were the one who got yourself into a relationship with someone who had a lot of trauma.
You were the one who gave him hope to love someone and stay with him, and try to change..
Then take responsibility , don't make him feel like this , and also make your effort to change for his sake..

stop with the work culture :'> I get it but it is NOT A MUST to hang out with your boss. I'm not Japanese but FR who in their right mind would allow your boss to drag you to places you don't wanna be OUTSIDE of working hour?? And Minato and Shizuma literally just made up, for like 2 or 3 days ago. He could have something like "oh I'd love to but it's outside of my working hour now, how about I'll drive you to this shop next time". BUT NO. The author is making really clear that Minato could have declined, could have said no, could have reacted differently but instead he chose to follow along and acted chummy with the boss.
As for Minato, I agree with what you said. The problem lies with the both of them OK? Don't blame it all on Minato.
In summary, MC is a piece of shit and ML is so fucking stupid to a strange point.
How can he love someone with such a dirty, unbearable personality?
He stole 6 of his ex-girlfriends, until he drugged him and ruined his life.
He treated him like a dog, perhaps worse, even with the side story that shows the ML’s point of view.( It makes you see his disgusting personality more).
He didn't treat the ML like a human being and didn't show kindness to him even once in the past, so why did ML love him? This is ridiculous, and even when he decided to give up and leave, MC drugged him as a kind of games and even after agreeing to date him, he always insulted and hurt him without caring in anthing. ..
And it always ends with the ML apologizing and begging him not to leave him, so I wonder maybe he really liked treating him like a dog..
Well the story improves at the end and the MC’s personality changes and he loves him very much and is unable to live without him.
However, I don't know how to feel.
This is just stupid and weird. I don't think anyone could love like that in real life. Of course, that's why we read it. It's just a fiction ..
Where can i read the side story??