I just don't care what happens to the uke, and I don't care about his past, it's no excuse for what he did.
Yujun faced a lot of pain until he reached his relationship with that uke..
He of course deserves better...
I just wished absolute happiness for yujin with someone else...
He Truly wonderful, beautiful ,kind and everthing...
but what? he suffered a lot, It was hard to watch this happen to our sweet yujin but what do we do? It seems that the author likes this kind of thing...

I don't know,...
I never liked uke, and I really don't know what's so special about him...
why would the seme even love someone like him, he kept getting his heart broken many times...
I know that uke has his problems and a disgusting father, but also the seme faced many hardships in his life.....
I just think he deserves better...
and anyway the ending was rushed. .
I felt like the author got bored or something like that.

I don't understand anyone rooting for Lorcan,
after everything that happened between sol and brian in the past ...
to me Lorcan he's just a bastred, selfish person who set his sights on something that wasn't his in the first place..
man... Sol gave up everything to be by Brian's side,
he just lives for him and his goals, even there is an eternal contract between them...
and that bastard just came between them and tried to get Brian by force...
It is just a disgusting obsession, so he continues to do so and makes their relationship get worse, as is seen in the Raw.
Sol really waited a long time...
He stayed alone and waited a thousand years for Brian to return to him. ..
It's really painful. ..
Anyway ....
the past isn't bad, but I think it's been too long, and it's become really really tiring and boring

No, it's not like that...
It's impossible for them to hate each other, but because of him, a lot of problems start to happen between them...
He came from nowhere and started to feel feelings for Brian and gets upset when he sees him with Sol...
The last chapter I saw was when he went with Brian to Laurensted to solve some problems...
Brian's magical energy ran out, so Lorcan (who I hate) filled Brian with energy, I don't know what method he used

You're welcome...
but given the last chapter I read, Sol was very angry.. I don't know what will happen now...
but I think a lot of problems will be waiting for us as long as Lorcan exists, whether in the past or the present. ...
He will continue to bother us, and I really hate that, and it seems that it will take a long time. ..
I think the author takes his time very very slowly and doesn't intend to finish it until after a long time..

I don't think so.....
He is very very possessive towards Brian, even though he knows that he only loves Sol...
He wants to keep him locked up forever...
I don't know what the end will be, and how he will finally fuck off ...
I just hope this happens quickly.. (won't happen) So maybe I will have to come back after a long time

This manhwa is weird, messy, you always read it with exclamation marks from the beginning to the end..
all the characters are just unbearable...
And look here, even after so many years, their relationship is still the same, there is no improvement, a lot of misunderstandings without any good communication between them.....
And in these few chapters....
I didn't blame the red head, he really loves MC and doesn't care about anyone else, and this is just his job.
He even told him in the beginning that if he doesn't like it, he won't accept the job....
but his fault is that he is stupid and not honest and continues to hide things, and make things become... Worse.... also what is this?
They continue to drink excessively with others despite their bad habit after that..
This is what Sol did, but fortunately for him, the student was good...
and look now..to jeebin
This is tiring, just an immature relationship...

What's wrong with the omega in this story ?!
they are so disgusting...
the first one uses his body to get a promotion at his job and sleeps with all kinds, and pretends to hate this, it's not like anyone forced him to do that, he's just slut,
I couldn't find a single reason why the ml likes him.
The second one is also disgusting, floundering between two people and causing harm to both of them because of his stupidity. ..
They are the ones who sold themselves and claim to be victims, and they are just disgusting and do not deserve happiness, in my opinion..
All the mls are oppressed by this manga, they just deserve better than these disgusting omega

I don't know, this is a bit messy, or even a lot..
how did that disgusting alpha suddenly come home?
What's the point of raping him and marking him, nothing has changed..
How did uke have a child with beta after that?!
(Let's foreget that he is a beta )
In fact ,what's the point of looking for a mate after 9 years spent with that beta?
Hmm anyway nothing makes sense, I just never liked uke he's selfish and bad and until the end he kept saying if you weren't beta, if you weren't beta, just shut up..

that sick dude coming is just added for the plot which is fucking sickening.
The sick dude has disgusting kink, plus that time it was the omega's heat. That sick dude is alpha, of course his fucking instinct would go wild.
IDK if I'm correct but considering the fact that that sick dude did put his fucking disgusting dick to the omega and they mate. Maybe that's how the kid was made.
In the remaining chapters, the kid doesn't look like a new born but more like around 1-2. Considering it, maybe my theory that the kid was from that sick dude is true. Plus during their sex, the omega throw up. Well, I'm not pretty sure since it wasn't clearly stated there but that's the possibility.
The omega is purely delusional since he experience bullying and was treated differently because he's omega. At some point, him deluding himself over an rich, nice and cool alpha is the best choice for his state. That's why even if the beta is there, he deluded himself to be with an alpha.
I get it, even I myself is angry about the omega but that doesn't mean that he deserve what he got. All of this is because of those sick bastards who think highly of themselves and think lowly for the omegas.
Ah, I totally ducking despite the alpha with all of my life. He's not even apologetic with his actions. How I wish this story wasn't rush cause there's to many gap and no redemption arc at all. I wish there would be some satisfactory scene for the alpha's downfall.

that sick dude coming is just added for the plot which is fucking sickening.
The sick dude has disgusting kink, plus that time it was the omega's heat. That sick dude is alpha, of course his fucking instinct would go wild.
IDK if I'm correct but considering the fact that that sick dude did put his fucking disgusting dick to the omega and they mate. Maybe that's how the kid was made.
In the remaining chapters, the kid doesn't look like a new born but more like around 1-2. Considering it, maybe my theory that the kid was from that sick dude is true. Plus during their sex, the omega throw up. Well, I'm not pretty sure since it wasn't clearly stated there but that's the possibility.
The omega is purely delusional since he experience bullying and was treated differently because he's omega. At some point, him deluding over an rich, nice and cool alpha is the best choice for his state. That's why even if the beta is there, he deluded himself to be with an alpha.
I get it, even I myself is angry about the omega but that doesn't mean that he deserve what he got. All of this is because of those sick bastards who think highly of themselves and think lowly for the omegas.
Ah, I totally ducking despite the alpha with all of my life. He's not even apologetic with his actions. How I wish this story wasn't rush cause there's to many gap and no redemption arc at all. I wish there would be some satisfactory scene for the alpha's downfall.

I don't know, what I understood is that the child is the beta's son, and he even said that his parents gave birth to him without them being mates...
Any way, It doesn't matter, the story is really messy...
I feel that it doesn't deserve to be understood. ..
As for the disgusting alpha, there are many like him in the BL stories these days, and without any punishment, on the contrary, they make the scene detailed and exciting so that we ignore the rape. .
This is really disgusting..

I only wish one thing that Yunho would disappear and let these bastards do what they want.
He is sweet and innocent and loved that bastard with all his heart...his life was hard enough, he didn't deserve this ..
but I think the author won't do that, will make him cling to that cheater motherfucker more.
This makes me feel disgusting.
I can accept anything, but I hate cheating.
If you don't love your partner or want something else, just break up and do whatever damned thing you want.

Thank God someone said this. Cheaters are pos. Fuck those two bastards. Yunho isn't there to be their trauma relief device and punching bag. Why is he being a simp, God please respect yourself more and leave. Istg people be thrashing and virtually killing Cheating characters in manhwas when they're a TOP/SEME but they just become soft when it comes to cheating bottoms. All cheaters deserve the same treatment. Just don't become evil Yunho, please save yourself.

As for this manhwa, Yunho's intense love for that bastred thing will make him cling to him more and sink deeper into darkness until he reaches the point of no return. Unfortunately, this is what I think will happen, not that that disgusting thing is worth the trouble.
I just hope that some author will draw an equal ending for cheaters, not like what happened in Love Bite and boundary (the most disgusting manhwas anyone will ever read)

Bro sameeeeee. I end up sympathizing more with seme's these days because of these ever so popular cheating and brushing it off trend. Of course when there's trash seme, I cry for the innocent uke. But these uke's who cheats and don't ever suffer retribution are anything but cute and innocent. I think k-yaois are at a spree to cuckold young, nice, puppy and simp seme's smh lol.

Yes, I really hate this type of story but I end up reading it unfortunately, the disgusting thing is even if uke is a bad person or cheater ,the author makes it end with a happy ending.. like what happened in Love Bite
and boundary (can't forget them ,very disgusting ) and there're more as you say it become a trend

About that, I think humans (like most of them, especially who're not like the strongest mentally) have a negativity bias, we're all curious towards negative things. Any wierd negative things has 100s of millions of views on yt , X etc and the same here. That's unfortunately taken as that story/post etc being 'well made' or 'worth-watching' but tbh I think with me atleast, mostly it's the negativity bias that draws me to it. And when you just are a free and not working, not always busy with something then it occupies you even more. Ofcourse the reason for being popular is not always negativity bias and there's many many good works which are popular eg. Kiraide Isasete, thers which start as toxic but where the author actually knows what CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT truly means and you feel satisfied ( oh and not to forget most of these are where the seme messes up and is made to undergo character development, I bet we won't be able to name more than a few manhwas where you see character development for uke~ maybe My Suha? ( Tbh not more than one comes to mind)). But the point is that market seems more negativity bias driven than ever before to me, it's feels like old 90s and 00s Japanese yaoi which was popular due to rapist and playboy seme's, confinement, yakuza and what not. Omg I'm sorry I've ranted too much. But I'm really glad to have found someone who thinks similar to me( and also kudos to others in the comments for calling mc a fucking disgusting cheater lol)

Btw I read those two and I don't understand . Bastard uke's not even 1% apologetic and remorseful. I like blue hair but he acted like a simp and a doormat with no care for self respect. I was rooting for him to get someone who'd actually love him and not just use him. Plus where's the retribution for the cheater. Also, why hit the guy your bf WILLINGLY slept with? Confront the cheater bf if anything....smh The one who cheated doesn't even have an ounce of remorse in him, nor has he taken responsibility or paid for it but you go and beat up the "homewrecker" first? He's not the priority here, hello? Lol just like reaching work on time rather than worrying about cheating is the mc's priority haha. But what can anyone say when the ml is into that..... I have love hate sentiment towards these masochistic semes. One day all this is gonna ruin me hah.

(I'm also happy because I'm talking to someone who has the same ideas as me, that's really nice)
Yes, personally, when I start a bad story, I finish it until the end, even though I am never happy while reading it (I wish I could stop that)..
but at the same time I am happy to read a story that has healthy relationships and a lot of character development,
and as you said, there is a lot A lot of character development for Semes, but not for Ukes.
as i said before that made me side with Seme in all the manhwa ..
Not only is there no character development, but even if he was a player and a vile person and hurts the Seme, he will be forgiven and described as nice if only he showed a little change.
I am sorry to see the seme always giving up.
I just want a good author that shows the importance of self-respect and choosing yourself over others and that trivial love...
And the happy ending isn't the only thing that matters. What good is it if reaching it causes all kinds of pain?
Ending up together isn't necessarily a happy ending...

Yes, that's what I'm saying.
In these two stories, I find that the two mls have no dignity or self-respect.
It actually made me laugh when the blue haired hit that person.
It reminded me of reality. ..
I've seen this a lot... When one of them catches his partner cheating, he directs anger and violence to the other person. I wonder Why? when the matter happened consensually, you have to be angry with your partner man !!
He is the one you are dating, the one you love and trust, and the one who is in a relationship with you, not the other. This is just incomprehensible.
I have read a lot, but the reason I hate those two stories so much is that the authors made it seem as if Cheating is natural and normal, and if you do it, you will be forgiven, and You don't have to regret your shameful act..

Hmm, I don't know..
I didn't like it.
The idea of waiting for someone for 10 years and you didn't meet anyone because you loved him so much while that person dates dozens of people and comes back to you when he breaks up with one of them, even though he knows how you feel, but he doesn't care...
what is this? To know in the end that he did it because he loves you !!
This is very ridiculous.
He's selfish and bastred only thinks about himself and his feelings, and the ml is too stupid to keep loving someone like that ...
Ok, I understand that....
but really in such cases, I just hope that the other party (like the beta in this case) leaves and gives up everything...
I am confident that he will find happiness after some time, even if it takes a long time...
I wish there were stories like this...
Why should a person suffer, just drop everything and leave..
Wut. Why should the beta leave. Just cuz the alpha and omega r fated??? The beta and the omega are the ones in love. I don’t think someone should give up on their love just cuz fate said other wise.
I don't mean to give up on love because of fate, but suffering in this way is something I don't understand.
Here, the beta saw his lover do it with someone else, more than once (even if he didn't want to)...
It's still painful for him to bear.
In my opinion, leaving everything is better.
I agree. The Ωmega was very sure of his decision for surgery more than the beta because he loves him. IMO, had he stayed with the alpha, he would have suffered more emotionally.
Sorry for the late reply
Ooo ok that’s understandable. But the omega didn’t want to do it rather the animal instinct took over. If it was for the animal instinct it would never happen.
It’s painful but the omega decided to do the surgery and he was more sure and willing then the beta. The omega truly loves the beta and wants to be with him.