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Night February 6, 2025 5:12 am

Well if I give my rating for the story so far..
in the raw also (up to 39)....

The drawing is only good...

The content is chaotic and doesn't lead to anything..

The mc here is really useless....from the beginning I don't know why he joined them, his presence with the ML didn't help him at all in completing the mission, but on the contrary, it became a burden on him...

With the beginning of the S2, the story became more chaotic, heading to the mountains.....

a third wheel was introduced, suddenly a detailed kiss, then 3p as a dream....
This was very strange.....

from the prosecutor's side, he's interested in mc because he's just an ordinary policeman who entered such a dangerous mission..
I find the reason strange !! because the mc here isn't capable.. he didn't do anything really, but the ML is the one leading the mission.....

And from the mc's side....
Is it normal for this to happen like desiring him and dreaming about something like this while he didn't meet the prosecutor until a few days ago?

Doesn't that make the MC's love seem ridiculous and impure, is that the author's goal !!....

because if you read the chapters before this, all the MC's dreams were about the ML and suddenly they included a third person (3P) after meeting him a few times as if he loves them both, this happens in stories that contain love triangles ,where the person has feelings for both !!

Well if you suddenly want to do that, you are free author, this is your story, but you can change the cover or no at least change the story's keywords, this is what other authors do....

Here we read for free... but many users pay to read, they complained a lot about the inaccurate classification and the sudden change.... so if you want to change the content, give a notice of that by adding the keywords....

I don't know how the story ends but I don't think it progresses at all ...

so if you are only interested in the drawing, this manhwa is for you, but if you care more about the content more , and you hate chaos
you like stories that contain pure love and you hate the presence of a third wheel suddenly in a strange way, save yourself from the trouble of reading ...

    Rin February 14, 2025 5:56 pm

    Really? He dreamt about him? Wth, why? I mean the kiss is ok since there's an excuse plus idk if the mc will even reciprocate this "kiss" but dreaming of sex with a man you just met even though you've already got a guy you like so much that you overlook him ghosting you years back and not tou overlook him acting like a jerk...coz you just like him that much...?? Like makes the mc's feelings for the ml look really fickle when they're actually not( I think n hope lol).

    Rin February 14, 2025 6:28 pm

    Now I'm reminded of the threesome dream from "for my weirdo" haha... it's much more complex than this one for sure( the mc had a longer n a slightly positive turning to worse n finally worst kinda history with the loan shark guy)but I was still wondering whether the mc had that dream coz he loved them both...n it was especially unsettling coz one of the guys was his literal abusers in many ways....

    Night February 16, 2025 3:58 am
    Really? He dreamt about him? Wth, why? I mean the kiss is ok since there's an excuse plus idk if the mc will even reciprocate this "kiss" but dreaming of sex with a man you just met even though you've already g... Rin

    This was really weird, and when he woke up the MC was feeling shy and saying how will I face the prosecutor now.....

    I don't know after that dream, I will never be convinced that the MC loves the ML sincerely....

    imagine if the opposite happened and the ML dreamed of someone else we would immediately doubt his love...

    The question here is.....
    Did the author want to draw a scene for them together so badly that he made it like a dream even though it came out of nowhere and ruined the story ?

    or is it a prelude that maybe something like this will happen between him and the prosecutor ..

    in any case regardless I find it completely unreasonable, dreaming something like this with someone you just met, this happens when you love the person or at least like him..

    And even if this is a prelude to what will happen between them then it doesn't matter, because I'm no longer expect anything good from such content...

    After what happened do you expect me to be convinced of his love for the ML after this, of course not....

    Night February 16, 2025 4:02 am
    Now I'm reminded of the threesome dream from "for my weirdo" haha... it's much more complex than this one for sure( the mc had a longer n a slightly positive turning to worse n finally worst kinda history with ... Rin

    As for for my weirdo manhwa I don't think this happened because he loves both of them....

    it's just that he got used to the other person abusing him so it became a permanent routine in his life, so if he wanted to dream of someone he slept with it would of course be the gang member because this is what always happens ... then the new person who entered his life....
    I find it understandable and somewhat acceptable...

    But as for this manhwa I don't understand it at all, even if I said it was because the ML rejected him it's no longer a good excuse because the MC knows now why the ML treats him like this and why he rejected him, the cop told him everything, and that for the ML he is the whole world....
    so right after that! After he knew everything, he dreamt of someone else!
    Of all the things I've read I find this the strangest and most disgusting ...

    Rin February 16, 2025 8:24 am
    As for for my weirdo manhwa I don't think this happened because he loves both of's just that he got used to the other person abusing him so it became a permanent routine in his life, so if he wanted... Night

    You're right. I read the raws till 40 on newtoki and out of let say 20, atleast 17 comments were about how people hated watching that dream sequence. They said it was maybe the author just wanted to fulfill their personal desire of drawing a 3p scene. Or that maybe the other guy was touching mc while he was out cold drunk hence the dream includes him... The mc also called out ML's name when the other guy was touching him...then it's not clear whether he left right away or did something more...we know that this prosecutor confessed his feelings ( like telling him that he could use the paperbag kept somewhere in the car to help the mc with his hyperventilation but kissed him anyway so mc knows) n maybe that's why the dream. .

    I actually hate the sequence so much and like you I'm also not really interested in the story after this but let's say I'm trying to rationalize mc's behaviour anyhow haha. Like how the mc (in the dream) came to his senses when the prosecutor asked him to see who he is under n then mc said something like we can't do this...n then enters ML. So what I thought was maybe the prosecutor was in the dream coz he actually touched the mc but the ml wasn't even there but the mc still dreamt of him. Now the dream itself was messed there's no penetration but the fact that the mc is okay being done by the prosecutor right after knowing all about the tragic story of the ml just because he was fondled a bit is definitely kinda disgusting to me too personally.
    Do you still think something would happen between the mc n the prosecutor? At chapter 40 it looked like that chapter is closed n the mc is now fully after the ml, not leaving even when the ml pushes him away with harsh words. But who knows? Anyway, I wa pleasantly surprised how almost all the korean commentators agreed with what we're talking about and pitied the ml while saying they hated the soo (uke) so much for this. They expressed dismay and confusion at the author's choice of turn of events too.

    Night February 16, 2025 12:04 pm

    even Korean readers who always cheer for any third wheel that enters the picture, are upset with what the author did....

    and the readers of the paid sites were also more upset because there are no key words that indicate that something like this will happen....
    They bought the chapters and the content was changed and no longer matched the keywords...

    we were all prepared for the story to be pure love from the romantic side at least, and not a silly love that is wiped out by a kiss from another person, if you call it that.....

    in real life I wouldn't dream of someone like that unless I love him or at least desire him...

    if the author makes the MC's feelings shake easily because of a few situations that happened with a person he just met, is that even called love?

    So most of the readers lost interest, and I don't blame them....
    I don't know what the author wants...

    Is drawing a scene like this really necessary?
    Even if it ruined the story you built ?

    Is it necessary to have a prosecutor or a third wheel, when the ML is willing to sacrifice everything and himself for the sake of the MC....

    I really don't know....
    Some authors are really weird....
    the author of the manhwa, dear door,
    when they put the rape scene in chapter 88...

    it was shocking, there was no need for it except that the author loved drawing something like this...

    I just wish I could leave the stories that bother me, but I keep thinking about what happens until I know the ending

    Rin February 16, 2025 1:45 pm
    Yes.... even Korean readers who always cheer for any third wheel that enters the picture, are upset with what the author did.... and the readers of the paid sites were also more upset because there are no key ... Night

    I agree. I think our tastes really match tho haha. I also, like only one on one romances. Not to say I totally hate it when 3rd parties are introduced...but what matters to me is the neither the ml not the mc should get shaken even when someone tries to shake them up, their feelings and heart should remain in place i.e. only beating for one another haha. If that's the case then, in fact, I love seeing the drama that the 3rd parties create but are still unsuccessful in swaying either of the main characters. Like for e.g. Even if you don't love me. And, I don't like rape scenes too but let's say if there's such a scene where the mc is totally unwilling and feels disgusted by someone else's touch or (god forbid) is drugged n doesn't know what's happening to them n in their heart they still only want the ml and NO ONE ELSE, like for e.g. Ianryun(not the best example but close coz the mc never comes to like the abuser but is always drugged so he climaxes. Infact he does it to save the ml. Also, for my weirdo) such cases I can very well understand their difficulties nd don't doubt their love or feelings for the ml. But in other cases tho I finish what I've started coz I kinda get obsessively curious about the ending but I am just not able to enjoy such manhwas.
    Btw, I've noticed this too...the korean readers... cheering on 2nd ml over the ml .. especially if they're hot. Is that always the case tho? Is it true that they love triangle love stories? Maybe that's why sooo many of them coming out recently.( Personally I don't)? I wonder if they would like 2 bottoms one top stories as much as they do 2tops one bottom stories haha? ( I won't too but there's no such stories sonmaybe one or two would be interesting to read....not happening tho lol).
    In josei tho, you can see a lot of green tea side bitches plus 2nd ml's but it's always tame and there's rarely any cheating or multiple partner cases so yeah....
    But for you, sooo many stories like that plus... intimate obviously.

    Rin February 16, 2025 1:47 pm
    I agree. I think our tastes really match tho haha. I also, like only one on one romances. Not to say I totally hate it when 3rd parties are introduced...but what matters to me is the neither the ml not the mc s... Rin

    *for yaoi

    Rin February 16, 2025 5:09 pm
    This was really weird, and when he woke up the MC was feeling shy and saying how will I face the prosecutor now.....I don't know after that dream, I will never be convinced that the MC loves the ML sincerely...... Night

    And I forgot to add....the thing you said about the double in if it was the ml who did it...yup the reactions to that would be wayy more aggressive (based on what I've seen in other manhwas). I remember people also not really minding the what the mc param in AntiPT did just coz there wasn't an established relationship but in other manhwas people are pissed off if the ml is a fboy etc. haha that's just what I've seen around the comments. By pissed off I mean it doesn't necessarily have to be the crucifixion of the ML but... many of the readers don't want the mc to choose such a ml... they're like..ugh bring someone else who doesn't have a past or present of sleeping around or choose the 2nd ml etc( n personally I prefer that too but then why is it okay when the mc is a fboy?). This is just the mc privilege or no matter what you do you get chosen by everyone...but you only choose the ones who don't get involved with others.

    Night February 16, 2025 6:54 pm

    Oh yeah really we have the same thoughts on this.....

    As you said emotional cheating is really much worse than having physical contact with another person, although .....
    I don't like both of them but the first one is worse because there is no hope left in the story after that..

    in this manhwa I really hated it because the story wasn't presented from the beginning as this type, then suddenly the author came with a character from nowhere and created a scene that no one liked except those who only care about beautiful drawing...

    but in the manhwa you mentioned (even if you don't like me) the rape scene made the person angry and sad, the MC was powerless....

    and also Ianryun even though it's a rape manhwa even the side story...... of course I didn't like it but the MC here is a victim....
    but manhwas like Ant.p.t and Lucky Paradise where the MC sleeps with someone else then decides to go back to the ML I hate such stories forever.....

    And yes I'm sure Koreans are obsessed with love triangles they're everywhere.. in series, manhwa, webtoons and novels.....

    I feel that when the author doesn't find anything to write, he will say oh let's go and create a love triangle... and bring a character who is mostly hot so that many will like him ...
    and what I noticed is that they are always on the mc si except in certain cases, so you won't find 2 bottoms and if there is one, they make it for a jealousy scene and it ends quickly...

    but if there is another top, they make him stick around and stay until the end, and this is annoying...

    for example, if there is a person who likes the ML, they get angry and tell him to get out of here...
    but if the opposite happens, they like the third party, and they wish to have an intimate scene with him....

    some of them have really strange taste, for example in the manhwa... Bongchon Bride....the author added the rape scene when the story was about to end and it was detailed, it was disgusting and the MC there was forced and hated it....

    the scene of course wasn't necessary but most Korean readers liked it just because they found that rapist hot ,..
    the same thing in the manhwa.. Back to School, they were cheering for the rapist and they were pressuring the writer to create a different ending and for them the author created a story, what if....

    I don't know Maybe some of them have this taste and others do not take manhwa seriously because it isn'ttreal.....
    but here I find that there are many realistic readers who relate what is happening in reality, so you find their opinions acceptable and understandable...

    Anyway, we have the same taste and the same suffering...we have to try to stop reading what we don't enjoy.

    Rin February 16, 2025 7:11 pm
    Oh yeah really we have the same thoughts on this.....As you said emotional cheating is really much worse than having physical contact with another person, although .....I don't like both of them but the first o... Night

    Omg they cheered for the rapist just coz he's hot ? Disgusting. I mean cheering for the 2nd ml is one thing but this is

Night January 22, 2025 12:25 am


anyway I really don't see what's special about the MC and I don't care about him..

I just want KASHIMA to be happy even if it doesn't end up with him, in fact I'd rather it not end up with him...

he can stay with the other person...

And KASHIMA should get someone else who loves him..
In my opinion, he's a person worth competing over, not competing in a ridiculous love triangle..

This is my opinion, but it doesn't matter in the end... I think it's better not to take the story seriously...

maybe because it's been going on for too long, or because they're still kids, I find it ridiculous....

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