love_uwu created a topic of Haikyuu!!

Hinata learning to take care of his body and developing healthy habits because all of it is volleyball feels so applicable to any area in reality and I just can't describe how many life lessons I've learned from Haikyuu
┗( T﹏T )┛

love_uwu asked a question

since finishing tcgf / heaven official's blessing i feel like ive reached peak story telling and struggle to get into any new story... so reaching out to hear what r ur comfort/peak stories (can be any genre, format, etc)

The whiplash from the fluffiness of the main couple to what happened to the red haired dude oml

love_uwu followed a list
13 02,2024
love_uwu created a topic of Cut-Over Criteria

Hagiwara as a cat (??) is vvvv cute

This author is a genius for this relationship dynamic

love_uwu created a topic of Circle (Wang Zi Ying)

Mi Xi and Xu Shang have my whole heart I'm so happy for the 2nd season om

love_uwu created a topic of To be or not to be

Love that they went sightseeing this is everything omg

love_uwu created a topic of Gig of the Day

The misunderstanding and chase scene btwn the ML and MC genuinely made me laugh skdks MC is sosososo adorable in chibi form and love how straightforward he is !!!! Such a refreshing story so far I'm begging it to stay a green flag story plsplspls

love_uwu created a topic of Chiguha Kuna Kisu

Could someone explain to me the name mixup?? Is it because Aoi and Midori use the same kanji? Or something else? Tyty!!

love_uwu created a topic of Define The Relationship

im yelling rn at lyle to communicate but I just know in reality im probably just as terrible or even worse at communicating as lyle
( T﹏T )

love_uwu followed a list

I'm specifically making this list dedicated to semes who are:
- Sufferers of Down Bad syndrome 
- generally huge simps (borderline crazy for their ukes, obsessed even). 
- gentle and loving from the get-go. 
- their affections are not driven by hidden agenda, etc. 
- All the semes listed here fell for the uke first. 
- I guess it's a fluffy list too. <3 

Fair warning that these shall only include the ones that i personally enjoyed. 

*The mangas listed are in no particular order of preference*

01 01,2024

they r everything to me I wanna squish them both

love_uwu created a topic of Chiguha Kuna Kisu

I reread this and realized he def hinted at knowing all along when he pointed out his name is read the same as hayashi's omg
╥﹏╥ just gonna pretend the brother line was never said

The author saying they like healthy relationships in the epilogue <333 tysm for blessing us with this masterpiece I need time to recover from reading such a top tier webtoon TT

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Both yaoi and shounen ai (and a few non- BL) but all are so damn adorable and they healed my heart :’)
Ofc this list doesn’t have any rape or non- consensual activites, just cuteness and fluff~

(Feel free to recommend if you could feel a bit more happier~)

P.s I used “seme” and “uke” while specifying who fell in love first even in the shounen ai ones from their general vibes

 Hearts don’t mean anything it just looked colorless 
(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

24 11,2023
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